When flashing BH to Solo2, screen on box says STARTING ....

Do you mean after flashing ?
I have similar problem, and i have some backups on my hdd, so remove all /vuplus and /backup dirs from your hdd.
Maybe it's the same problem.

P.S. I need to disconnect my hdd to make this work.
I have VU+ Solo2 stuck on starting..
i try almost all ways with different capacity and company USB's to flash it. but no cure...
when i switched box after a while the VFD says starting... but when instant power off/on everything gone from VFD only a dim blue light on touch botton.
please helm me how to install the software.
can i use RS232 nulled crossed modem cable to update it as i update dreambox 800xx boxes?
any way to connect box with pc to make it alive again?