Which Model VU+??


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All, After a bit of advice, i recently bought a VU+ solo to replace my broken Azbox, im very pleased with it so far :-) So much so im thinking of replacing my DM800HD with another VU+ box.
Only thing is i dont know which model i need to suit my requirements.
The new box is to go downstairs where i have a motorised feed and a fixed Sly 28e feed, so what i would like to do is have both sats going into the box then a feed from the motorised dish to the VU+ solo upstairs. Is it possible? If so which box would be suitable?


Maybe solo2 or wait for duo2 [duo2 is no now in shops but i think in next months will be].
I think ultimo is good box too.
Having a new box (Duo2) announced for next month, I would wait and look its specification. It seems that it will fit more than one tuner, so it could be good for your situation.