Which web-browser is for Duo2 running BH?


Vu+ User
I am trying to find a good web-browser for Duo2 running Black-Hole Ver2.0.6. Unfortunately, I could not find a good one ( I have tried a few but they seems imcompitable BH). Would any one please recommand a good web-browser? I just want to do some basic explorering on internet, therefore, it would be fine, if the browser is stable and user-friendly .
Enabling opera browser it is possible to see videos on streaming? or there is something else to enable to see youtube for example?
Hi, paolino. I have tried to find the web-browser from the section 'speedup', unfortunately, I did not find the web-browser (Opera). Does it use a different name ? Please help!

Oops :chair:! I didn't write, that is a part of HbbTV. I beg your pardon. It's the last one in Speed Up Menu.

After install, you'll find it in Menu>Plugins.
Oops :chair:! I didn't write, that is a part of HbbTV. I beg your pardon. It's the last one in Speed Up Menu.

After install, you'll find it in Menu>Plugins.
Thanks, I did see the HbbTV, I do not know the web-browser is inside of it . Thank, I can try tonight. I just wish to use some basic web browser function, never think it is inside HbbTV, a simple mistake.