Why is PiP disabled?


Vu+ Newbie
Why isn't supported picture in picture? Sure, VU+ Solo CPU is the slowest model of the VU+ serie, but still quicker than e.g. CPU of old Dream DM7025 (and more efficient in general), which PiP has (had)! So, why not VU+ solo?

P.S. I'know, it has only single tuner. BUT, when I can plug in USB DVB-T tuner (I use dual DVB-T tuner, no problem), it's absolutely passe as valid argument. Than, missing PiP is big handicap. And in my opinion, it's really not necessary, just irational. There's right time to stop disabling VU+ SOLO PiP, isn't it? :)


Vu+ User+++
I think that this limitation lies in the Solo's hardware drivers (designed and developed directly by Vu+): no image can do without them, so no image could consequently support PIP.

However I could be wrong, it might be also a hardware limitation...