WiFi BH 3.0.9 Problem


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all vu+ fans!
I have a wifi problem on mine vu+ Duo2 and BH 3.0.9.
It lose the conections after a wile, i don´t now how many houres it takes.
If i look on the late evening it works but on the morning it can have lost the conection.
Same problem on Vu+Duo2 with BlackHole-2.1.0-vuduo2_usb
the recever lose the wifi connection after a while !
No possibility to find the plugin to parameter the wifi, only lan
The parameters for wlan had disappeared.
i has to flash again
Do not forget you must also enter the gateway (the address of your router)
Restart the box and check again
Thanks for yours repliesmy main problem is that I lost in the configuration the menu "wlan

Unfortunately I do not know reason
to me, it never happens.

Test with a clean image without of anything connected to the USB ports, and with a fixed IP address
In this way I use my box.