I've just bought a solo2 and installed latest blackhole image,
after getting almost everything to work I realised the USB wifi stick does not work as well as it works on my dm800hd gemini image?
The performance is terrible, it cuts off most times and when streaming video online lags all the time...
I'm really disappointed that I spent £300 on it hoping it will improve on the dm800hd clone, but I think i was wrong...
I've tried 3 different USB wifi sticks all get recognized straight away, but with terrible performance, I'm desperate for this to work as I cannot afford to go through the wired option.
any help would be much appreciated as always.
PS, the wifi sticks I have are Belkin and a RTL8191.
I've just bought a solo2 and installed latest blackhole image,
after getting almost everything to work I realised the USB wifi stick does not work as well as it works on my dm800hd gemini image?
The performance is terrible, it cuts off most times and when streaming video online lags all the time...
I'm really disappointed that I spent £300 on it hoping it will improve on the dm800hd clone, but I think i was wrong...
I've tried 3 different USB wifi sticks all get recognized straight away, but with terrible performance, I'm desperate for this to work as I cannot afford to go through the wired option.
any help would be much appreciated as always.
PS, the wifi sticks I have are Belkin and a RTL8191.