(WOL) Wake On LAN & windows Seven 7


BH Lover
-Mounting Folders between VU+ UNO & Windows Seven
is no more an issue with latest VU+ mount manager.
- WOL (Wake On LAN) is activated on All PCs,
works great with other Network PCs and From Internet.

- But when (Windows 7) media server PC goes to sleep an issue occurs every time.
When I try to open Media Player on VU+,
Receiver displays spinner for ever,no response any more.

- Now I have to Switch of from the main power switch and reboot VU+.
After booting there are no mounted folders and Media Player Starts successfully.
Mounted folder located on Media Server PC (Windows Seven).

- To get folders mounted,
I Wakeup PC, Restart Gui on VU+ and folder mounts successfully.

- I wonder is there a way to make PC WOL
before VU+ Media Player tries to access the mounted folder ?
A plug-in maybe or a automated WOL command (Script) to make VU+ Always send WOL before accessing mounted folder(s).
This issue is frustrating. As the VU+ is the main Network entertainment device.
An Energy Saving Networked house is a must this days ! :yes::victory: