Black Hole 3.0.8 Vu+ Duo4k



Black Hole 3.0.8

Cosa c'è di nuovo ?

  • Molte correzioni di bug
  • Aggiunto Serviceapp con Exteplayer3
  • Nuovo Bootlogo
  • Aggiornato Mediatree per supportare più sintonizzatori USB
  • Aggiornati i driver Duo4K


vuplus duo4K and image blackhole 3.0.9 has a hole again. mp3 from usb is broken. after inserting usb key, a message will pop up. no files found on this usb key. hole has a hole.
vuplus duo4K and image blackhole 3.0.9 has a hole again. .

My dear, you'd better learn that such absolute sentences lead often to absolute gaffes...
The message tells you so because it simply refers to video files. BH or OBH and every other images are mainly focused on video files.
Then, BH is not so elastic at browsing multimedia files. If you install the plugin EMC (Enhanced Movie Center) it'll make BH more adaptable to media files.
You'll be able to browse your device and to play also music files.
Then, come back and report.
vuplus is a multimedia player. Yes No ?
that is, it should handle audio in addition to video.
u solo 4k it goes. u duo4k no.
in older blackhole it was also possible to record stream from E2. it's not here anymore. is it no longer necessary video?
not go russian media park plugin. 3 pythons are missing.
since the production of vuplus solo2 I only use blackhole.
and mp3 and flac files I need for tape - deck.
I have another hobby.
Blackhole goes down the water. he will be in the last place shortly.
such is the criticism in the Czech and Slovak forums.
even there I am laughing that I present blackhole.
and here. something has to be done about it.set.jpg
vuplus is a multimedia player. Yes No ?

NO: VU+ is a Set Top Box, mainly designed to get satellite and terrestrial channels. Then is a PVR. Then is also able to stream and use IPTV.

that is, it should handle audio in addition to video.
Did you install the important ServiceApp plugin?
Have you tried also OBH, maybe in multiboot, just to check if a box limit or an image's problem?

You posted in the BH 308 section: what version do you have? Apart from knowing that you should have audio, Do you know also that BH has gone forward with many releases?
If you have the latest 309, why do you post in 308 old section.