Black screen after Starting GUI screen


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

My VU+ SOLO showing a black screen just after Starting GUI screen appears, the led light is steady green,
this always happens after disconnect/connect the electricity, the only solution is installing the BlackHole image again, this happens with multiple versions, for example, 5.0.3 and 5.0.7

any idea ?
Hi all,

My VU+ SOLO showing a black screen just after Starting GUI screen appears, the led light is steady green,
this always happens after disconnect/connect the electricity, the only solution is installing the BlackHole image again, this happens with multiple versions, for example, 5.0.3 and 5.0.7

any idea ?

5.0.3 or 5.0.7

You are very steps ahead from the lastest release!

Clone STB?'

We need some photos of your Solo ... as:

  • Back
  • Top cover
  • Front
best regards
5.0.3 or 5.0.7

You are very steps ahead from the lastest release!

Clone STB?'

We need some photos of your Solo ... as:

  • Back
  • Top cover
  • Front
best regards

sorry for mistakes in versions numbers, I've just arrived from a very long trip and I'm so tired, the correct numbers are 3.0.5 and 3.0.7, actually I downloaded both from the community "" ""
sorry for mistakes in versions numbers, I've just arrived from a very long trip and I'm so tired, the correct numbers are 3.0.5 and 3.0.7, actually I downloaded both from the community "" ""

And, why not BlackHole 3.0.8, that is the only supported!
In any case, we need the information requested on my previous post #2.

best regards
And, why not BlackHole 3.0.8, that is the only supported!
In any case, we need the information requested on my previous post #2.

best regards

Hi nunigaia,
* Why not 3.0.8? because I didn't download it yet ... and I think 3.0.5 and 3.0.7 are both also supported !!
* The pictures you asked for are ready, please find below sharing links on Google Drive ...

thanks in advance

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I think nunigaia meant "supported and in development, updated". Only the last one is developed: the previous won't be updated any longer.
I think nunigaia meant "supported and in development, updated". Only the last one is developed: the previous won't be updated any longer.

Thanks Alexwilmac,

I know, but all his replies try to defend the images, it seems like I'm attacking them which is not correct, I'm trying to save my time to flash the image every time electricity is gone, also I don't have clone STB, I have original, genuine, and authentic one, after all I need help, and I'll provide any information needed to get that help,
He wrote so because of the strange version you had reported. After that, it's not needed any longer, I suppose.
First of all, not as a solution but as a simple way to not put you in the need of reflashing from scratch each time, you can perform a full backup and the reflash by this full backup. This way, at least, you don't have to reconfigure everything.

Now, as is not easy to guess which is the cause of your problem, considering that 95% of the times issues are cause by plugins, you should tell us what plugins have you installed.

Actually, as you seem have reinstalled a lot of times already, I'd reccomend you to start from scratch for the last time.
Then, don't install ANY plugin, not even the ones for automatically create your list of channels but just do a manual scan yourself and save a FullBackup at this point.
You'll have a perfectly clean image and if something wrong happens again, we'll know it can't be a plugin.
Just we are here and considering that your VU+ model i quite old, if I were you I'd give a try to OBH (OpenBlackHole) that's much lighter and that is based on a different core.
Not only you'll have a probably more "appropriate" image for your model but, also, a quite different operative system and this might tell us if yours might be a HW or a SW issue.
He wrote so because of the strange version you had reported. After that, it's not needed any longer, I suppose.
First of all, not as a solution but as a simple way to not put you in the need of reflashing from scratch each time, you can perform a full backup and the reflash by this full backup. This way, at least, you don't have to reconfigure everything.

Now, as is not easy to guess which is the cause of your problem, considering that 95% of the times issues are cause by plugins, you should tell us what plugins have you installed.

Actually, as you seem have reinstalled a lot of times already, I'd reccomend you to start from scratch for the last time.
Then, don't install ANY plugin, not even the ones for automatically create your list of channels but just do a manual scan yourself and save a FullBackup at this point.
You'll have a perfectly clean image and if something wrong happens again, we'll know it can't be a plugin.
Just we are here and considering that your VU+ model i quite old, if I were you I'd give a try to OBH (OpenBlackHole) that's much lighter and that is based on a different core.
Not only you'll have a probably more "appropriate" image for your model but, also, a quite different operative system and this might tell us if yours might be a HW or a SW issue.

* Regarding the plugins, I'm not installing any
* I flashed last time yesterday, and I didn't install any plugins, I used Automatic single satellite scan to search my channels
* Can you please tell me or put a link to step by step Full-Backup/Restore my STB, knowing that I don't have internal HDD
* Can you please tell me or put a link where to download my STB's OBH, and how to flash it if the method is different than flashing the BH image

thanks in advance
The full backup is made by the specific submenu of BH and it does not need a HDD: it needs whatever device you like (USB disks, sticks, HDDs, SD cards, whatever). It just creates the same folder structure as the one you have for flashing:

Only, in the last one you have your current situation. Reflashing by it, you'll get back to the same moment you created the backup.

OBH is downloadable from this same forum: have you ever scrolled down the forum home page? ;) There are all the specific section for BH and OBH. Go in your model's one and download it.
OBH has got also the chance of creating automatically, if you set it up this way, a FullBackup, even on a NAS, if you've got it, and you don't even need to stand up from your sofa to reflash it because it does by the image. This is very comfortable, also, to schedule a backup, for instance, every day or every week or month. i perform it daily and so I can go back to whatever day I like. I tend to keep backups for month, deleting only the ones regarding the same subversion of the image 8because the backup filenames contain also the sub version and the date. You'll have something like that:
The full backup is made by the specific submenu of BH and it does not need a HDD: it needs whatever device you like (USB disks, sticks, HDDs, SD cards, whatever). It just creates the same folder structure as the one you have for flashing:

Only, in the last one you have your current situation. Reflashing by it, you'll get back to the same moment you created the backup.

OBH is downloadable from this same forum: have you ever scrolled down the forum home page? ;) There are all the specific section for BH and OBH. Go in your model's one and download it.
OBH has got also the chance of creating automatically, if you set it up this way, a FullBackup, even on a NAS, if you've got it, and you don't even need to stand up from your sofa to reflash it because it does by the image. This is very comfortable, also, to schedule a backup, for instance, every day or every week or month. i perform it daily and so I can go back to whatever day I like. I tend to keep backups for month, deleting only the ones regarding the same subversion of the image 8because the backup filenames contain also the sub version and the date. You'll have something like that:

Thanks Alexwilmac,

I downloaded OBH "", my questions is it flashable on top of my current BH or I need to do something first ?? also later if I need to flash a BH image again on top of the OBH is it doable ??
You can do the flash directly in the box without worrying about the firmware that is there ... you must save your settings on the PC (channel list, others ...) and then put it back in the box
No, flashing means ERASING the flash memory! It's like formatting a computer and reinstalling the O.S.
You have two possibilities:
1) you can save a FullBackup of your current BH installation so to get back to it whenever you like.
2) using the important feature called OpenMultiboot (omb) that makes possible to have, apart from the image installed in flash, how many different images installed in a device like a USB stick or an HDD and so on. When you boot your system, you decide what image you want and, of course, they are independent each from another.

For instance, you can install in omb OBH and your flash memory will keep BH.
The process to install in omb is different from flashing, of course. Here you can find a guide:

If you do, my advice is to shorten the name of the .zip file the most (for instance rename it sa
No, flashing means ERASING the flash memory! It's like formatting a computer and reinstalling the O.S.
You have two possibilities:
1) you can save a FullBackup of your current BH installation so to get back to it whenever you like.
2) using the important feature called OpenMultiboot (omb) that makes possible to have, apart from the image installed in flash, how many different images installed in a device like a USB stick or an HDD and so on. When you boot your system, you decide what image you want and, of course, they are independent each from another.

For instance, you can install in omb OBH and your flash memory will keep BH.
The process to install in omb is different from flashing, of course. Here you can find a guide:

If you do, my advice is to shorten the name of the .zip file the most (for instance rename it sa

Thanks a lot
You need to understand that BH backup will not work on OBH ...

You didn't read carefully what I wrote and you risk to make mk_sulpuv confused.
I gave, as FIRST option in my advice, to create a FullBackup of his BH installation to get back to it not to install it in omb.
But, I have to say it's not true: I ALWAYS use FullBackups also to install them in multiboot. But this was not my advice to him.
You didn't read carefully what I wrote and you risk to make mk_sulpuv confused.
I gave, as FIRST option in my advice, to create a FullBackup of his BH installation to get back to it not to install it in omb.
But, I have to say it's not true: I ALWAYS use FullBackups also to install them in multiboot. But this was not my advice to him.

I understood what you put in ... but I understood that it was better to explain that BH backup does not work in OBH. Obviously on the contrary it will be the same ... I also thought it would be a lot of information (not in context) to include OMB, this in relation to the mk_sulpuv issue. I did not intend to create any confusion.
OK. But, again, I think you were not attentive ;) The backup you are talking about is the Personal Backup, not the FullBackup: they are completely different things. I'm only talking about the FULL.
And, again, we risk to confuse our mate's ideas...
Yes they are different ... again, the personal backup of BH does not work in OBH and OBH does not work in BH.
My intention in # 12 was just to answer the question put in # 11 .... it was just this even because the question is just one and needs ... I think we are reporting on OMB here is out of what we want. .. but "in the good".