BlackHole image updates.


We strongly suggest migrating from BlackHole to OpenBlackhole.
The BlackHole image cannot be updated due to the fact that it is based on Git Vu+ and Vu+ has completely stopped software development for many years. For this reason the development at the moment is all about OpenBlackHole which is constantly updated and improved, is python3 and has many more features. Most likely the BlackHole image will be discontinued within this year.
Yes it's sad news, But in the end BH works just fine so to more or less kill that project was something i predicted some time ago ;)
But we are lucky to have OBH.
I have always issues with OBH but everything works perfect in BH. it was a reason to shoose Vuplus boxes but now i can look elswere.
Sad news. I am not expert and let me tell you that i am a big lover of BH with many features that satisfy me more than OBH.
I, too, would like to know which great features BH has that OBH hasn't. There was only one left (FCC) and now not even it is exclusive to BH!
In July 2018, when OBH hadn't already the functions it has gained afterwards, I had already explained why I preferred OBH to BH (although BH was my first love).

But, as an operative system, BH is totally uncomfortable: you can't even browse your recording folders, you can't customise your keys, you can't customise each single section (channel list with the number of lines, font size you like; same for recording list, and so on...)
Its menu structure is a mess and that's because of vuplus code on whom it's based.
As an operative system is like a command line OS compared to a GUI one, like to DOS against MacOS or Linux or Windows. Vuplu-based images are inoperative systems.
Maybe it's a little bit more stable but, of course it is: vuplus hasn't added anything since FCC probably, as it fears to experiment or has no way of doing.
OBH was already a very interesting image since its release 0.6! And there's when I switched from BH to OBH, imagine now.
So, I'd really like to know what features you can't find in OBH.
And OBH GUI is effective, clean, logic and the graphics (skins) are from the same author of BH, our Matrix10.
If, instead, you are talking about plugins, maybe some of yours has not yet released the Python3 version but, it its authors don't, their plugins are going to die or to be forgotten.
How to do this in OpenBH ?

How to change "Behaviour when a movie is stopped" ?
How to change "Behaviour when a movie reaches the end" ?

I cannot find these setting in OpenBH ? or is it a "Plug In" i need to install ?

Best regards

How to do this in OpenBH ?

I cannot choose "Single Epg" from the Channellist as in BH.

How do i open "Single Epg" for at other channels without zapping to the channel first ?

Best Regards

Best regards.BH-Channellist-SingleEpg.jpg