LCD4Linux Uno4K SE ,Ultimo4K,Solo4K ,Duo4K ,BH server


Vu+ Newbie
After reboot , for me does not remain 0.

I can change that to 0
but after reboot is again 50
I do not have big slowdown
bigger than normal for this plugin.
Test on Duo 4K.
If I cost 50, then the delay in opening the channel is about 8-10 seconds. If set to 0, then the delay is approximately 2 seconds, as well as without the plugin.
Test on Ultimo 4k.


If I cost 50, then the delay in opening the channel is about 8-10 seconds. If set to 0, then the delay is approximately 2 seconds, as well as without the plugin.
Test on Ultimo 4k.

Can you please post your config files?

I just need:

  1. Lcd4config
  2. skin_user.xml
Both located at:


Use an FTP tool to copy the files to your PC ... ZIP IT ... and upload it here! :)

best regards


Vu+ Newbie
Can you please post your config files?

I just need:

  1. Lcd4config
  2. skin_user.xml
Both located at:


Use an FTP tool to copy the files to your PC ... ZIP IT ... and upload it here! :)

best regards
Yes, I will publish the files today.
My problem is exactly described in post # 68.
I took the solution from the post # 70.
After that, everything worked fine.
The problem is with the Eutelsat 36A Satellite.


Vu+ Newbie
Can you please post your config files?

I just need:

  1. Lcd4config
  2. skin_user.xml
Both located at:


Use an FTP tool to copy the files to your PC ... ZIP IT ... and upload it here! :)

best regards


  • lcd4config+skin_user.rar
    2.3 KB · Views: 274


Vu+ Newbie
awsome.. first time i got it to work without crashing... have the latest version of the plugin and of the firmware BH... Just one question, are this config files to the uno 4k se? because half the bottom screen doesn't show.. In the lcd4linux config / preview i see other info that i can't see in the actual lcd.



Vu+ Newbie
awsome.. first time i got it to work without crashing... have the latest version of the plugin and of the firmware BH... Just one question, are this config files to the uno 4k se? because half the bottom screen doesn't show.. In the lcd4linux config / preview i see other info that i can't see in the actual lcd.


Got it.. already changed the size="400,240" in the skin_user but still the image appears croped... any thoughts?


Vu+ Newbie
To repeat for those who do not know and have problems with the connection , for the web connection
you only need to enter the first three numbers of your network BOX IP
IP from your box for example :
you have to enter : 192.168.192
The plugin seem to work only on LCD. I have nice color letters on my LCD.
The web interface is NOT working.
When i go to
i get HTTP 404 Not Found
The Open Source Web Interface works OK. But not lcd4linux path.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled plugin/config. No luck. Constantly get error 404.

Ultimo 4K, latest Black Hole image 3.0.9.


Vu+ Newbie
Ultimo 4K, latest Black Hole image 3.0.9.
Also, the USB flash drives are not mounted by default or after reboot. They never mount to /media/usb
Only when i insert a flash, the receiver asks, if i want to play mp3 files from it. If i press OK, then it is mounted under
/dev/sdb1 on /autofs/sdb1 type vfat (rw,sync,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
And when i exit Media Player, it gets automatically unmounted.


The plugin seem to work only on LCD. I have nice color letters on my LCD.
The web interface is NOT working.
When i go to
i get HTTP 404 Not Found
The Open Source Web Interface works OK. But not lcd4linux path.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled plugin/config. No luck. Constantly get error 404.

Ultimo 4K, latest Black Hole image 3.0.9.

By the image GUI, check the GLOBAL section, WEBIF allowed: set it as
(as I see your box address is and see if it works.


Vu+ Newbie
in the config file i have mentioned my network:
config.WebIfAllow=127 192.168.
I don't have access denied, i have 404 not found. :(


  • lcd4config.txt
    3.3 KB · Views: 48


in the config file i have mentioned my network:
config.WebIfAllow=127 192.168.
I don't have access denied, i have 404 not found. :(

This is your file ( attached ).

1) Unzip the attached "", to obtain the file --> lcd4config

2) Send it back to:


3) reboot your uno4kse

4) You might have acess via OpenWebif to LCD4linux Setup, or by:


Where is the address of my Uno4KSe ... you must use the IP of yours ... on your Network.

best regards

Note: The issue is the adress:

config.WebIfAllow=127 192.168. ... indeed is not this one but this:

config.WebIfAllow=127. 192.168. 172. 10.


    1.1 KB · Views: 97


Vu+ Newbie
Buenos dias no entro mucho por motivos personales, pero soy miembro de este foro desde hace años,
tengo un VU duo2 que tien,e varios años y funciona perfecto, queria probar el VUuno4kse y lo compre la semana pasada
con este tengo un problema en instalar
lcd4linux para VU uno4kse sigo los paso de lo que se comenta en estos tutoriales,
voy a complementos a descargar lcd4linux y para instalar lcdlinux conf. al instalar el primer
como se dice aqui una vez instalada me pone purse ok para reiniciar el intefal y hay biene el problema.-
se bloquea y me sale una pantalla en verde el circulo buscando para iniciar pero no inicia pues lo he dejado
varias horas y nada sigue bloqueado, temia averlo perdido y con una bakup lo he recuperado tres veces que intente
instalar lcd4linux, el que descargo es para vuuno4kse = Lcd4linux v5.0-r6 es el que me sale a mi, y
Lcd4linux config Uno4kse only (Black Hole E2) este no lo he podido instalar nunca por bloquearse el deco,
ruego a ver si alguien me puede ayudar para solucionar este problema quizas alga algo mal no se pero sigo todos los paso indicados,
si hay otra manera de hacer la instalacion con la ipk correctas que no se me bloque el deco, muchisimas gracias por vuestro trabajo
y doy las Gracias por adelando. daroal


Vu+ Newbie
ha perdon la imagen instalada Black Hole 3.0.9 si necesita más información la dare con mucho gusto


Vu+ Newbie
If you can not install it then there is a problem with you image,internet connection
or something else.
This is tested with Black Hole 3.0.9 and works.


1.Install first Lcd4linux plugin from Black Hole server (green button >> yellow>>Addons Download Manager>> BH Addons Plugins>>
LCD4linux v5.0-r4..)

2. install configuration for your box (UNO4K SE)
Black Hole server (green button >> yellow>>Addons Download Manager>> BH Addons Plugins>>
LCD4linux config for your box)

3. Enable LCD4linux if not enabled in LCD4linux plugin panel

4 .Download picons if you not have (first connect USB stick )
(green button >> yellow>>Addons Download Manager>>Picons Packages>>download picon package you like)
(I use picons from halus61 on the server Picon Transparent 32 bit 220 x 132 by halus 61)

5.Restart your box

If you use your own picons
upload manually picons to >> /media/usb/picon/

if you want to uninstall Lcd4Linux plugin

1. First unistall config files
green button>>yellow>>Addons Uninstall Panel>>

Unistall Lcd4Linux Plugin
green button>>yellow>>Addons Uninstall Panel>>enigma2-plugin-extensions-lcd4linux.del
a mi me pasa lo mismo descargue de complementos tal como dices y se me bloqueo cada vez que lo intento
hay otra forma de poder instalar, VUuno4kse Black Hole 3.0.9.L gracias