

The aim of project valerie is to create an easy to use full feature media center for all enigma2 based set top boxes.
The main improvement to a standard enigma2 installation is that instead of being multimedia support just a nice re on the side, in Project Valerie multimedia support is the key feature.


I tried the plugin and it's really nice. Just a question: anybody knows how to change manually a film title? Thanks
I am trying also to understand what is the difference between this tool and mediatomb.

Ciao Alan
Mediatomb allows your box to share media with others (for exemple another box using djmount) , while this is nice to see news (picture, story, actors and so on) of what you have in the box.
You sould try to press manage in sync menu.
I've already tried, but with manage you can't manually change film title. My problem was this: by pressing manage I can change title searching in Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and it's ok, but if I want italian version of titles sometimes I can't find it even if I put the correct code number of that film. For example I put the code 0113819 that is the code for "La dea dell'amore", but in the movie list this film is named with the original title "Mighty aphrodite". I couldn't find a way to change manually the title.....but now I SOLVED:
In hdd/valerie there is a file named movies.txd where you can find the movie list: with a text editor I changed "Mighty aphrodite" with "La dea dell'amore" and now It's ok.
I've already tried, but with manage you can't manually change film title. My problem was this: by pressing manage I can change title searching in Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and it's ok, but if I want italian version of titles sometimes I can't find it even if I put the correct code number of that film. For example I put the code 0113819 that is the code for "La dea dell'amore", but in the movie list this film is named with the original title "Mighty aphrodite". I couldn't find a way to change manually the title.....but now I SOLVED:
In hdd/valerie there is a file named movies.txd where you can find the movie list: with a text editor I changed "Mighty aphrodite" with "La dea dell'amore" and now It's ok.
I did NOT SOLVED....when I re-open the plugin, in the movie list the name changes again to "Mighty aphrodite"...
Which version is best For VU+ Solo ?
Is this plugin stable ?
Great Work. ! ! :thanks:
I think all this versions are stable, but this plug is a little bit invasive, that's why it is not on the server.
You can try it and if you don't like uninstall it.
Big problem with new vession 701, cannot paly movie the box always crashes?
Please confirm if you have the same problem?
Please find below the reply received from the admin of project valerie:
Well rev716 should fix you issue.

Just a note, you skin is a very old one and not every function in valerie is available for this skin, you may want to think about changing it in the future.
I need to change the skin as requester above, can somebody revert with the new one?
For info i'm using the default skin on image BH 1.6.2
Please find below the reply received from the admin of project valerie:
Well rev716 should fix you issue.

Just a note, you skin is a very old one and not every function in valerie is available for this skin, you may want to think about changing it in the future.
I need to change the skin as requester above, can somebody revert with the new one?
For info i'm using the default skin on image BH 1.6.2
Tnk for the info, so ver 716 sould be ok.
It's in the first post.