Streaming stopped working


Vu+ User
Hello everyone,

Using the Duo for years to stream directly to the PC. This has recently stopped working. Network/firewall are ok and I made no changes to hardware/software/options. Using the older Black Hole 2.1.7.

When I click the Stream button on Webif and send it to the PC media player, nothing happens. So, I downloaded the stream.m3u file to examine it.

Note that I had stored in the past several of these .m3u files on my PC (each for different channels), and these older files still work perfectly (the Duo streams normally). I don't what caused this change.

Newer (not working) .m3u file:


Older (working) .m3u file:

#EXTVLCOPT: program=71 (added a space before 'program' because it's turned to a smiley)

Clearly some information is now missing, but I don't know which option controls this. Any ideas?
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Thanks, I use 2.1.7 because V3 never worked properly on my Duo (timeshift/shutdown problems etc.). I could try OBH (also had trouble with it in the past) but my current setup always worked. I tried playing with some settings in "Black Hole Speed Up" and the OpenWebif configuration, but no luck.
I tried OpenBH: it produced an m3u8 file which could not be opened by PC media players (and the extra info in your post was missing)

I tried BH 3.0.9.C: same as described in post #1. The crucial data in red below is missing, so I don't know what's going on. Perhaps when I restore my user bouquet after installing a new image is somehow interfering with this?
Do you use any plugins for autosettings? I wouldn't rely on them.
As a first attempt, I'd re-scan manually all your satellites. This might fix the settings.
As a second attempt (after the manual scan), you can create by the image GUI or by OWIF a new bouquet: put there some channels, better if NOT ALREADY in any bouquets, and do a try with them.
Thank you Alexwilmac, I tried both suggestions but none worked. I even restored an older BH Full Backup that worked fine, but this issue persists. Have no idea what's going on.

I only occasionally use dreamboxEDIT for restoring settings, but usually use the Duo's internal backup or BH Personal Backup. In any case, this issue appeared out of the blue.