VU+ZERO - Hispasat satellite 30ºw


Vu+ Newbie
Good afternoon to the forum,

I'm from Portugal and I need to be clear about what the image should I use in my VU + ZERO, to have access to Hispasat.

thanks a lot
Thank you for your feedback, but my doubt there can install this BlackHole-2.1.4-vuzero_usb or another to view all HISPASAT packages; D +; MEO; NOS (tvcabo), in my VU + ZERO.

I'm new in these wanderings and as such do not know if this is the right way to present my doubt.

I have read and especially in the Spanish forums that are not available images for the HISPASAT but only for Astra and Hotbird

thanks a lot
Thank you for your feedback, but my doubt there can install this BlackHole-2.1.4-vuzero_usb or another to view all HISPASAT packages; D +; MEO; NOS (tvcabo), in my VU + ZERO.

I'm new in these wanderings and as such do not know if this is the right way to present my doubt.

I have read and especially in the Spanish forums that are not available images for the HISPASAT but only for Astra and Hotbird

thanks a lot

Every image can be customized to receive the satellite(s) you want. Other kind of requests are the decode of channels but this kind of topic can be a violation of our Board rules, so read them before continue posting.
thank you but do not intend to violate the rules of the forum in every way I read the rules.
If the infringed was unintentional but umpedido information.

once again my thanks
I use BH upto date version 2.1.4 and dont worry you can see/get 30 west Hispasat. I have it and use this sat on my motor system linked to my Duo.
podes usar a imagem que quiseres !! as configurações é que te dão aceso ou não aos pacotes de canais . eu tenho 2 VU zero e são muito estáveis e sem problemas .
Para bigkenny e JPSousa,

thank you for specific information.
Giving and receiving no other intention is my principle.

thanks a lot
Bom dia JPSousa e Vitoria, sou novo aqui mas um amigo disse-me que este serviço funciona bastante bem. Podem-me indicar o que preciso? (já tenho tv por satelite) Se houver alguma parte no forum que possa ler e ficar mais esclarecido optimo! Desde já muito obrigado por qualquer ajuda que me possam dar! JPSousa por exemplo quando menciona em baixo "VU+SOLO2 + VU+ZERO + VU+ZERO" quer dizer que essa é a sua configuração?
boas,alguem me pode ajudar na configuração da minha vu+zero?

Portuguese answer:

Qualquer membro aqui no forum pode-te ajudar, no entanto, deves ter o máximo cuidado de ler antecipadamente as regras do nosso forum, antes de prosseguir com perguntas que vão contra às regras do mesmo.

Por outro lado, deves ter sempre o cuidado de mencionar:

Modelo da STB Vuplus usada.
Imagem implementada na mesma, bem como, a sua versão.

Nesta seção, colocar as perguntas sempre em lingua inglesa, já que nos encontramos no sub-forum internacional.

English translation:

Any member here in the forum can help you, however, you should be very careful to read the rules of our forum in advance, before proceeding with questions that go against the rules of this board.

On the other hand, you should always be careful to mention:

  • STB Vuplus model used.
  • Image implemented on it, as well as its version.
In this section, always put your questions in English language, since we are in the international sub-forum.

best regards
1) Use English in this section.
2) Help for what? If you mean to set "Hispasat" and if by Hispasat you mean 30W satellite, you have just to set your tuner for this position:
Configuration: Simple
Mode: Single
3) Obviously, if you got more than one LNB, you should tell us, because this is the most important info to provide us with.
pode me ajudar?

Bastava ler o meu post antes de prosseguir, o membro que ( quotaste, foi banido definitivamente ... por violar as regras do nosso forum ), parece-me que pretendes o mesmo efeito! :(


It was enough to read my post before proceeding, the member who (you quoted, was banned definitively ... for violating our board rules ), it seems to me, that you want the same effect! :(

best regards
I am from Portugal. Can someone help me to configure my VU + Zero? It seems that I cannot configure the Hispasat satellite on the VU + ZERO.
What image do you have installed?

Can you also please provide your dish set up, single dish, and LNB, single dish with multiple LNB's, motorized dish, etc?