Where to find the lastest Language files


BH Lover
Shiro said:
On every upgrade, you will find in this forum the file to update translations for all supported languages.

Where can I download the language file, that corresponds to the latest BH version ?

Best regards
Where can I download the language file, that corresponds to the latest BH version ?

Best regards

The latest languages are already included in BH 2.0.4.
You can find it in your box in /usr/share/enigma2/po/your language/LC_MESSAGES , file enigma2.mo
Where can I download the language file, that corresponds to the latest BH version ?

Best regards
When language is update is added to image please look to last realse image you find last update.
People made translation and after aproved by coder is added to image.
The latest languages are already included in BH 2.0.4.
You can find it in your box in /usr/share/enigma2/po/your language/LC_MESSAGES , file enigma2.mo

But I need the .po files
Can I generate the .po file from the .mo file ?

Best regards
Windows PC:
Generate the xx.po language file, from your running BH version, using poedit
Shiro said:
Download and install the program Poedit. You can have version for all operating system,: Linux Windows and Mac:

1. Filetransfer /usr/share/enigma2/po/YourLanguage/LC_MESSAGES/enigma2.mo from BOX to PC

2. RUN
C:\Program Files\Poedit\bin\msgunfmt enigma2.mo > YourLanguage.po

Best regards