
Vu+ Newbie
Hi Guys

I need some help with the LCD Screen, is there a guide on how to configure the LCD Screen, the LCD4Linux is meun is very hard to understand

Is there a step by step guide, I hope someone can help, many thanks
Hi Guys

I need some help with the LCD Screen, is there a guide on how to configure the LCD Screen, the LCD4Linux is meun is very hard to understand

Is there a step by step guide, I hope someone can help, many thanks

It's quite simple: every time you enable into lcd4linux plugin one item, it appear in the preview panel and you can move, resize and align it

iPhone 5 & Tapatalk forever :)
Sorry but imo there is nothing hard about the LCD4Linux plugin.

Sure there are many options and you might not understand what they all are, but as angelofsky1980 says there is a preview panel in the plugin, so you can see what it does.

If there were a step by step guide to what all the options are and what they do, you would be even more confused than you are now.

If there were a step by step guide to what all the options are and what they do, you would be even more confused than you are now.

I think I could manage so please provide a guide or manual if possible. It's a real pity that VU+ has given a feature like the LCD screen but no advice on how to set it up and make changes.
Also using a plugin can't be the best way to deal with hardware related features. Surely drivers are created for such things?.

I also heard the following (the DUO2 "uses 10% of the available processing power every ten seconds just for the LCD"
Can someone with a box please confirm or deny the above?

thanks in advance.
My cpu shows around 1.2% usage after the spike when something is changed (be it in lcd4linux or changing channel) so the above is not what I see in general use.

As for the guide, very sorry but I simply do not have the time at the moment, but as said it's very simple to understand, just trial and error.
I am still having problem trying to get anything to appear on my LCD Screen, I tried the trial and errot, this cause me to have green screen, I had to reflash my box
As for the guide, very sorry but I simply do not have the time at the moment, but as said it's very simple to understand, just trial and error.
Mmmm… as with all these things, it is indeed quite simple to understand… when you know how ;)
I must have spent an hour last night messing with it ! I more or less got there in the end, but it all started happening when I realised that I had totally overlooked the BLUE button :rolleyes:
As from there… things get simpler :)
The rather long dialogues are basically in sections, for each thing you would like to display/or not (by choosing which screen - or none), and then positioning and style, to get it how you want it on the screen.

That's one of the things that was bugging me after setting up BH. There's another, but I'll open a thread for that :cool: