tsmedia new install on Blackhole


Vu+ Newbie
Can i do a new (fresh) install of TSMedia on my view+ duo running blackhole 1.7.2.
i cant see the plugin on download page. Any help very welcome

Also my 1channel plugin crashes everytime i try and use it ? try removing / reinstalling but same result. Any ideas ?
Can i do a new (fresh) install of TSMedia on my view+ duo running blackhole 1.7.2.
i cant see the plugin on download page. Any help very welcome

Also my 1channel plugin crashes everytime i try and use it ? try removing / reinstalling but same result. Any ideas ?

First of all it's a good thing to update image to the latest, next retry to install plugins you want.
First of all it's a good thing to update image to the latest, next retry to install plugins you want.

i am on BH 1.7.2, how do i update to the latest image, please excuse me i am new to this game !!! Can i brick my box if i try to put an image on that isnt compatible ?
i am on BH 1.7.2, how do i update to the latest image, please excuse me i am new to this game !!! Can i brick my box if i try to put an image on that isnt compatible ?

Every box has it's own BH image.
Prior to update your image, read into HowTo sections the correct process to backup your settings and/or update image.