Simoultaneous streaming & playing


Vu+ User

I want play a recording on the Vu+Duo and simultaneously stream it on the PC, with VLC. Is this possible? In the Web Interface at the top ('now playing' section), the recording is properly shown, but VLC gives an error when the stream button is pressed.
If I go to 'movies' with the web interface and start the recording, it streams fine. But if I am correct, the HDD has to read the recording twice, one time for streaming and another for direct playback on the receiver.
Did you start the recording from the receiver or from the web interface? Could you please describe your steps?
First I started the recording from receiver, then I used the web interface to watch the same recording on my iMac.

PS: I use Google Chrome for WebTV.
Thanks. Did you try VLC for this and it worked? Below is what I get when I try it. Can "WebTV" be used for recordings? I only see live TV Bouquets there.
When I stream the recording "offline" (when the Duo is not playing it, or when it is playing it, but not simultaneously), it works. When I stream it "online", it doesn't.
