Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 2.0.9

thanks its good work but how I suppose to home share in this image I used to do in b.h 2.0.4 I don't know how I done but my media server I was excessing from my vu+duo2 but I cant excess my media server now if any body now pls help thanks
I would like to try to help you, unfortuanetly I do not understand what you mean .... could you please try to re-phrase and provide more details about your environnement/settings ?
I have BlackHole 2.09 in my machine.
It looks really Great!
I want to install ****** and ***** on it but i really don't have an idea how to do that guys... :(
Also anyone knows where exactly do i have to put the BISS KEYS?

I will be so happy if you help me step by step what i have to do.

Thanks in advance!
I have BlackHole 2.09 in my machine.
It looks really Great!
I want to install ****** and ***** on it but i really don't have an idea how to do that guys... :(
Also anyone knows where exactly do i have to put the BISS ****?

I will be so happy if you help me step by step what i have to do.

Thanks in advance!
You are banned for a week!
HBBTV not working perfect because when you use HBBTV in denmark on your duo2 when you see a program an animation in the middle of the screen tell you that you can stop the program you look at by pressing the OK button , and you see that animation on all the program you wnat to wiev on HBBTV but you i dont have the problem on my solo2 Works perfect, i have being trying a new clean installation on my duo2 it wont help but if i install version 2.0.8 it Works perfect but with version 2.0.9 = not working so good = animation all time if you see a program on HBBTV, anyway to make it Work ? and by the way i have version 2.0.9 on my solo2 and HBBTV Works great there.
i tried blackhole systemupdate now, and it downloaded alot of updates, is that correct, is there a new update?
or did i do something wrong?
HI, I want to install blackhole this weekend on my vu+duo2. Should I wait for the package of or install 2.0.9 and look how to do the update?
HI, I want to install blackhole this weekend on my vu+duo2. Should I wait for the package of or install 2.0.9 and look how to do the update?
First install the 2.0.9 version, then update online to version.
Just got my new VU+ Duo2 and installed Blackhole 2.0.9 image. Everything is working fine, except My Tube player, youtube videos are displayed without sound. Is there any way to fix it?
Problem solved with version. But it is possible to fix latvian language letters in EPG? Some of them are incorrect since earely BlackHole versions.