4-3G USB Dongel drivers?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, i don´t get min VU+ Duo2 to support HUAWEI E3276S USB dongel.
I have Black Hole installd and no internet conection so i ned mine
USB 4G dongel to work.
Do i ned drivers or is it on the firmware?
I can´t find it.
If i need a driver for it, can you uploade it for me?

Way can´t all the Tools, drivers and all progs be on a log on server,
so i can downloade the prog i need with mine pc and acount.
Hi, i don´t get min VU+ Duo2 to support HUAWEI E3276S USB dongel.
I have Black Hole installd and no internet conection so i ned mine
USB 4G dongel to work.
Do i ned drivers or is it on the firmware?
I can´t find it.
If i need a driver for it, can you uploade it for me?

Way can´t all the Tools, drivers and all progs be on a log on server,
so i can downloade the prog i need with mine pc and acount.

I've made a little google search and seems there is a possibility to support your USB LTE/3G modem. Hope to give you a test driver to verify if works or not.
I'll work on it ASAP
The simplest, but not unexpensive way:
There are 3G wlan routers in the market. Most of them can use usb-sticks for 3G. But be carefully, there are sticks with build in servers, which don't work. Another possibility is an umts router which uses the sim card of a stick, for example built by loopcomm or huawei. Here in germany to buy from conrad. I am using the "loopcomm LP-7616M", sold by conrad as "UMTS-Modem-Router" (Conrad N150 UMTS/3G Router with SIM Karten-Slot).
hi angelofsky1980, how do it go for you on the driver to HUAWEI E3276S?
and hi to grufti, i now there is router as function on 3G, i have one mi self but it not working on mine HUAWEI E3276S now.
I have ASUS RT-N56U and i have sent a replay to there surport and to mine brodband delivery to solve mine driver problems in sweden,
i havent got any soulotion yet.
have been with a friend of mine who use to work with many kind of cheaps stb, my frustration was very big when I so him connecting 50 to 120 euros stb to a 3g modem, all connecting without problemm and I with my flammant VU+DUO2, couldn't connect anything. there are many questitions about this issue, but I still didn't see any solution for this. what we need, drivers or what?