Blachole Image dead ?

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Vu+ Newbie
I have read in another forum that the work on the blackhole image for VU+ and ET9000 has stopped and there will be no new images. Is this correct ?!?!?!

And can anyone tell me where the homepage for this image is ? I ever thought that this page is the homepage for this image but here are no images for the ET9000 ...

Thank's somm
I have read in another forum that the work on the blackhole image for VU+ and ET9000 has stopped and there will be no new images. Is this correct ?!?!?!

And can anyone tell me where the homepage for this image is ? I ever thought that this page is the homepage for this image but here are no images for the ET9000 ...

Thank's somm
No, it is not correct, there will be other BH imgs for Vu+.
For the moment BH imgs are only for VU+
Maybe you red about OpenBlackHole Project that is closed.
No, it is not correct, there will be other BH imgs for Vu+.
For the moment BH imgs are only for VU+
Maybe you red about OpenBlackHole Project that is closed.
Yes i think he read about OpenBlackHole Project becouse im read about 10 forums i dont see info about stop BlackHole VU+.

Maybe some people write no true info on other site; please remember home site BlackHole is this site
No, it is not correct, there will be other BH imgs for Vu+.
For the moment BH imgs are only for VU+
Maybe you red about OpenBlackHole Project that is closed.

So do not be issued more new images to CT et9000?

Quindi non verranno più rilasciate nuove imagini per CT et9000?
As you know this page is exclusively for VU
I do not see any reason for any discussion about other receivers
and support for them.
So I would ask leave these discussions out of this forum .

BlackHole team has never gone as one would like to
but BlackHole team is all these years alive
and stronger than ever.
So do not be issued more new images to CT et9000?

Quindi non verranno più rilasciate nuove imagini per CT et9000?

The CT ET9K image was experimental and is not sure the future support of this box.

L'immagine per CT ET9K era sperimentale e non è certo il futuro supporto a questo box.
Hello Matrix, really the question was asked even in the official forum of the CT-et9000 unsuccessful. Maybe just a yes or no

Hello Matrix, really the question was asked even in the official forum of the CT-et9000 unsuccessful. Maybe just a yes or no

Il tuo post sul forum CT "ufficiale" l'ho ritenuto molto provocatorio.
Essendo l'immagine in questione un esperimento, se e quando il box verrà supportato gli utenti saranno informati.

Questa discussione si chiude qui.
Il Team BlackHole supporta ufficialmente VuPlus.


Your post on the CT "official" forum I found very provocative.
Since the image of an experiment in question, if and when the box will be supported users will be notified.

This thread will be closed now.
BlackHole Team support actively VuPlus.
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