newbie question


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys
I've recently purchased a vu +. I installed the latest vti image but of coarse lost all my settings. When I went
To set it up there was no optus d1 as I am new zealand this is the freeview sat. After reading for hours on how to add it I made a satellite XML. But could not access my vu via vucc to FTP the file into the appropriate folder. Is there another way to access the root of vu+ without a network? E.g can I use USB stick and access some sort of file manager? Ended up installing an official image which connected to vucc. Then changed the satellite XML. How do i configure my channel list to just display freetoair? Also what's the best image at the moment. Because Therese not many plugins for the official image. Any more tips would be greatly appreciated

My first question is why can you not ftp your box ?
This is a basic requirement and one you need to solve.
What error message do you get ?
Hi guys
I've recently purchased a vu +. I installed the latest vti image but of coarse lost all my settings. When I went
To set it up there was no optus d1 as I am new zealand this is the freeview sat. After reading for hours on how to add it I made a satellite XML. But could not access my vu via vucc to FTP the file into the appropriate folder. Is there another way to access the root of vu+ without a network? E.g can I use USB stick and access some sort of file manager? Ended up installing an official image which connected to vucc. Then changed the satellite XML. How do i configure my channel list to just display freetoair? Also what's the best image at the moment. Because Therese not many plugins for the official image. Any more tips would be greatly appreciated


For FTP you can use Total Commander
Config FTP
FTP button at the top of the window, total commander.

You need to make new session
You have to put first session name example on my picture VU
You need to put your VU box IP address (host name )
and User name root
If you use in your box password You need to put your password
otherwise, nothing ( Our Black Hole image (default) not using password).

IP addres for FTP connection If you do not know
You can see in your box
Main Menu> Setup>> System> Network>> Adapter Settings


For editing the SAT list and upload/downlaoad SAT list the best use

On the net and on our forum is certainly a lot about this program
and its use.
In short this program config similar to FTP
BOX IPadress,User name root and
passwod if you use.
You have to use Enigma2 lists and config.

Search google dreamboxedit

On the net and our image server there are many ready-SAT lists
you can use or edit.

You can use also direct scan with your box
in Setup >>Service Searching.

For editing (also for satellites.xml) you can use this free program
editing for Linux editpadlite

For us, of course, the best image is our BlackHole image
Use the latest version.

Abt plugins use tested plugins for our image
some you can find on our forum and some on our image server
On our image server you can find skins,plugins, etc

Download and install/remove direct with box
Green button>>Yellow (Manual install and uninstall)>>Addons Download Manager
for direct downloads from our image server.

Rgd MX


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