Problems mounting ext USB drive


Vu+ Newbie

Just installed BH 2.1.4 beta 2.
I've tried to mount an external usb drive (media/hdd) however as soon as I restart my SoloSE and open the device manager the drive is "not mapped". I have no issues with a USB stick (media/USB).
There were no problems using BH 2.1.3, I also tried using a different USB drive - this did not work.
I downgraded back to 2.1.3 and everything was fine.
Would be great if someone could help.

J'ai le même problème avec image BH 2.1.5. A chaque reboot mon disque USB WD n'est pas monté.
j'avais aucun problème avec la version BH 2.1.4.
Same problem, after saving, at reboot time, automount module get priority from fstab that will be ignored.
For HDD (
To change usb hdd via usb)

Open Telnet well with DCC or the famous little program PuTTY . And we write these commands :

Format the drive in Ext3 , linux format

mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda1

We mount the drive as an internal hard drive for recording and timeshift

mount / dev / sda1 / media / hdd

Now we have to create the folder for recordings -> Movie

mkdir / media / hdd / movie

We permits recording 777

chmod 777 / media / hdd / movie

And with this we have our hard drive ready to record.

For HDD (
To change usb hdd via usb)

Open Telnet well with DCC or the famous little program PuTTY . And we write these commands :

Format the drive in Ext3 , linux format

mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda1

We mount the drive as an internal hard drive for recording and timeshift

mount / dev / sda1 / media / hdd

Now we have to create the folder for recordings -> Movie

mkdir / media / hdd / movie

We permits recording 777

chmod 777 / media / hdd / movie

And with this we have our hard drive ready to record.


ok for manual mount, but at boot time, and this is the question, fstab will be ignored.
Have you reproduce the issue on 2.1.4?
I will try 2.1.5 tonight...
bye and thanks
For HDD (
To change usb hdd via usb)

Open Telnet well with DCC or the famous little program PuTTY . And we write these commands :

Format the drive in Ext3 , linux format

mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda1

We mount the drive as an internal hard drive for recording and timeshift

mount / dev / sda1 / media / hdd

Now we have to create the folder for recordings -> Movie

mkdir / media / hdd / movie

We permits recording 777

chmod 777 / media / hdd / movie

And with this we have our hard drive ready to record.


Thanks for your support.
I followed your suggestions and can confirm that once completed the drive is actually mounted, however as soon as I restart the receiver the drive appears as "not mapped". Has anybody experienced the same issue?
Could help if a list of H/D's which mount OK are posted as this might help others who havn't bought one yet.

Mine's a Hitachi 500GB/ problems.
Seems as though Blackhole aren't interested in fixing this for some reason. Can't even get any acknowledgement from any developers.
Yes same problem with BH 2.1.7. HDD (WD 250 Gb) not mounted after reboot and add the line in file don't solve the problem.
For mounted the HDD i need to do a filesystem check.
Setup -> System -> Hard drive -> Filesystem Check and after everything is working.