Vuplus Zero - bootloader Upgrade V 1.04 24/02/2015


Hello all,

VU has announced today a new bootloader, only for VUPLUS ZERO STB

Here is the information repported by VUPLUS OFFICIAL WEBSITE:


If you have any problem with Ethernet on Zero, please update CFE.
If your set is working properly, PLEASE DO NOT UPDATE IT.
This Bootloader(CFE) should be used for Zero only. Otherwise it will crash the box.
** Brief explanation of Zero's bootloader update **
1. Unzip the to USB stick.(There should be /vuplus/zero/cfe_cfe_auto.bin)
2. Insert USB stick into the USB port of Zero and turn the power on.
3. It takes just a few seconds to update.
4. If front LED of Zero displays blinking, remove the USB stick and restart the box.
5. If the update of the Zero CFE has completed successfully, the LED will blink four times on reboot.

Bootloader on zip file

Best regards



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I upgrade my vu+ zero with CFE1.04 but now I have another kind of problem ... after 1hour of use I should restart wlan network or reboot my vu+ box to have network active :( any solution ?
I upgrade my vu+ zero with CFE1.04 but now I have another kind of problem ... after 1hour of use I should restart wlan network or reboot my vu+ box to have network active :( any solution ?

Before that ( than you have upgraded the cfe bootloader ), have you experienced any issues with ethernet connections?
yes I have issue before upgrade now I could connect on my VU+ ZERO all the time just loosing connection with server iptv or addon on TSmedia ... I will try with lan network to have confirmation if my issue is due wlan or with all my vu+ network
yes I have issue before upgrade now I could connect on my VU+ ZERO all the time just loosing connection with server iptv or addon on TSmedia ... I will try with lan network to have confirmation if my issue is due wlan or with all my vu+ network

Ethernet connection is not Wlan, the bootloader upgrade for Vu+ Zero instructions, are "very" clear:

Check here the Official Webpage from Vuplus -->
Here on the forum, posted when sorted out ---->
and here -------------------------------------------------->

Regarding to upgrade the bootloader or images, we must allways read the instructions, before do it, to not " brick " the STB.

By other side, loosing connection with servers like IPTV or TSMEDIA depends the number of users connected at the time you are, and of course your connection too.

best regards
Ok, I see but after upgrade I have more stable connection .... but have some troubles with WLan for example when I do test wlan network all is ok except local ip ( dhcp is'nt activated ) why ? and when I choose type of encryption I can't found WPA2-PSK ( AES ) ?
Ok, I see but after upgrade I have more stable connection .... but have some troubles with WLan for example when I do test wlan network all is ok except local ip ( dhcp is'nt activated ) why ? and when I choose type of encryption I can't found WPA2-PSK ( AES ) ?

But, you use Wlan or Lan?

So ... You didn´t need to make a bootloader upgrade ... the issue it was " FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED PROBLEMS WITH ETHERNET CONNECTIONS <--- this is regarding lan ( ethernet ), not wlan ( wireless lan ).

Have you changed the local where it was the wireless router?

DHCP activated or not is at your consignation ( as you wish )

normally is like this

A) Computer without DHCP

Ip Adress - or ( Example )

Subnet Mask:

Gateway: or ( adress od your router )


B) Vulplus STB Lan

Ip Adress - or ( Example )

Subnet Mask:

Gateway: or ( adress od your router )


You can use too on DNS1 only the address of your router --> or

I can´t post a lonk to you, but google for it how to protect your wlan! search for example wpa, wep, wpa2, tkip aes, you´ll find how to configure and protect your lan. When you configure your router and tell him that the protection is " wep " and password to acess it is "STIIKE", SSID is " nunigaia", you´ll for SSID "nunigaia" to connect to it, protection "wep", password = STRIKE.

Google Public DNS IP addresses

The Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are as follows:

The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows:

  • 2001:4860:4860::8888
  • 2001:4860:4860::8844
Best regards
I maked upgrade for my bootloader last week, any risk for my vu+ ?
and what about version is under oe2.0 or oe1.6 ?
I maked upgrade for my bootloader last week, any risk for my vu+ ?
and what about version is under oe2.0 or oe1.6 ?

No, no risk, only if fails the power ( AC ), during upgrade or you upgrade with wrong software.
Both are OE 2.0.
You can use Blackhole or Open Black Hole 0.1 ( leave it at your own consideration ).

Best regards
Hello folks,
about 10 days has passed when i discovered issue of lan, i have made a lot of tryes , removing external devices, flash old firmware, changed lan cable, changed switch, direct connection to router, alternative router... but the issue is confirmed! Yesterday i have found this post and flashed the bootloader but the issue is yet present :(
atm the only way to solve it is to use a wlan adapter.

Have a fine day to all.