transcoding problem


Vu+ User
can someone confirm if transcoding working properly?
i can stream channels in home. Out i can see with a lot of freezing which is normal.
But when i use transcoding stream in home and out,i get only sound but no video.
Yes to fta also.
A minute ago I tried to transcode zdf Bayer vs Dortmund at home with openwebif but still no video only sound
all is ok now.the config was ok.
the problem solved by disabling/enabling the router.
thanks eragon for your help
all is ok now.the config was ok.
the problem solved by disabling/enabling the router.
thanks eragon for your help

Please, can you put here screenshot of settings in VU+ Player aplication on android?
Before in my old android phone I have this and it's good working.
Now in my new android phone and new images in Solo 2 (BH or Openpli, never mind) it's working good in my home netwotk, but it's not working outside home network. Ports 80, 8001 and 8002 are opened in router and in router is added DNS address
Lasts days on my home network internet I see my outside IP address is constantly changing, in time period of 5-10 seconds and I see that on web site I'm install PC program Updater for and when I press button Refresh it's appear new IP address too.
Is it only problem or something else?
I forgot password for Solo 2 and in applicarion's settings VU+ Player android in field password I leave blank. Is it good?

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Those screenshots are for transcoding only.
Where is ip address you put the ip of solo2.
In the two fields with Dyndns you put your noip address.
To enter your no ip in both fields you have to enable the auto ip detection.Enter your noip a address and then disable it again.
You must know your password for entering in the openwebif,or for connecting with vu app.
If you don't remember it you can change it with ftp and telnet.Or you can disable the http authentication from openwebif plugin.