Recording Problem - Solo2


Vu+ Newbie
When trying to add a timer box says "Timer sanity error" and "Channel not in services list" even though I can see and watch the channel. Hard disk is mounted and recording path set correctly. Has suddenly stopped working.

Any help appreciated.
When software problems occur suddenly, for sure something must have happened on the box.
Maybe you updated something that interferes with the timer, or the timer.xml file is corrupted.
Be careful, timer.xml is not an easy file to manage, because it's read at startup and kept in RAM, and finally rewritten into the flash when the box enters standby or deep standby.
ok thanks, nothing changed on box, I'll get copy of timers.xml from other box which is working

You can delete timers.xml
you not need to copy.

New file is automatic created.

But you have to stop enigma
in telnet

init 4

init 3
root@vuduo2:~# init 4
root@vuduo2:~# init 3
(init space 4 ,init space 3)
If you do not know with telnet then only remains
delete file
Switch box off and on
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Thanks, decided to re-flash box and all works ok except time-zone gone strange, GMT is now GMT+1 and GMT+1 is showing time which is GMT+2 !
Hi all I am having this same problem but am very new at all this. I had to do an update as we lost all the channels. would anyone please be able to give me a step by step guide as to how to record again. Thank you