Blackhole 1.4.6 V/s Blackhole 1.5


Vu+ User
Hi Guys

I have tried VIX in flash with NO meoboot support. Now I am back to my favorite BLACKHOLE in Flash.
There are two versions:
1) Blackhole 1.4.6 and
2) Blackhole 1.5 (which is the latest).

Frankly speaking I really dont understand what is meant by:
NEW NEW NEW: Dual Usb - Tuner support on BlackHole
NEW NEW NEW: DvbT/S/S2 Usb Tuner support.

I need suggestions from our expert friends here - what is recommended for a normal user. No. 1 or 2. in FLASH.

Tks & B/Rgds
Hi Guys
I have installed BH 1.5 in Flash and after installation - connected my USB drive (back) with various images in meoboot (Multiboot). I am not able to see the images in the meoboot. How to mount my existing USB with images and settings.


PS: when I use DCC -> media -> USB -> I am taken to USR (instead of Mboot)