I think that i just bricked my vu+ solo se

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post but it's very urgent and i don't know where to ask. I bought a vu+ solo se and took it to someone to get blackhole installed. i downloaded '' cool epg tv guide plugin'' and tried to download some skins from the plugin it self. then i pressed the button update and all of a sudden the screen turned green and told me that there was an error and it needs to be restarted. it did not restart but instead it froze and when i switched of and on again the blackhole logo appeared, the screen flickered white, it turned black and now the screen wont turn on again. i tried to connect it with flash fxp and there was a connection but still nothing appeared on my screen.
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post but it's very urgent and i don't know where to ask. I bought a vu+ solo se and took it to someone to get blackhole installed. i downloaded '' cool epg tv guide plugin'' and tried to download some skins from the plugin it self. then i pressed the button update and all of a sudden the screen turned green and told me that there was an error and it needs to be restarted. it did not restart but instead it froze and when i switched of and on again the blackhole logo appeared, the screen flickered white, it turned black and now the screen wont turn on again. i tried to connect it with flash fxp and there was a connection but still nothing appeared on my screen.

If you can connect to your STB via FTP ( You can use DCC, Filezilla, Winscp ... or any other tool like Flash FXP ), and if you have an HDD ... you´ll have a file extension log ( crash log ), that reports , why it´s crashing and gives you a GSOD.
I think probably it is a problem regarding a inconpatible skin.

Post the crashlog here for helping you!

best regards
Can you please tell me how to find the crash log? sorry but i don't know anything about these things

Do you
Can you please tell me how to find the crash log? sorry but i don't know anything about these things

Connect with flashfxp to your STB ...
Click on the remote site ( your Vuplus STB ) on <MEDIA>, <HDD), if you have any connected to your STB.
Click on the remote site ( your Vuplus STB ) on <Home>, <root> folder


best regards
Thanks i found it

I think you have problems with the skin installed and currently used ... so, in that case with FLASHXP connect remotely to your STB ... and go to /usr/share/enigma2 ... there you´ll find your skins:

See screenshot:


Do this, adapting it to your own situation ( don´t delete in any case, the skin_default folder, and any files bellow directories skin names.
See too, if you remember the name of the skin that you have applyed on the boot that cause the issues.


After deleting the <skin_name> folder that you think is causing the issue the STB ... will return to skin_default.

NOTE: Read carefully what i wrote on screen shots and on post. In any case, you have installed on your STB Blackhole 2.1.1 ( that is an very outdated version ).

best regards
I think you have problems with the skin installed and currently used ... so, in that case with FLASHXP connect remotely to your STB ... and go to /usr/share/enigma2 ... there you´ll find your skins:

See screenshot:

View attachment 23333

Do this, adapting it to your own situation ( don´t delete in any case, the skin_default folder, and any files bellow directories skin names.
See too, if you remember the name of the skin that you have applyed on the boot that cause the issues.

View attachment 23334

After deleting the <skin_name> folder that you think is causing the issue the STB ... will return to skin_default.

NOTE: Read carefully what i wrote on screen shots and on post. In any case, you have installed on your STB Blackhole 2.1.1 ( that is an very outdated version ).

best regards
It worked! Thank you very very very much :D
i have some kind of problem with same box v1 black hole 2.1.7
whenever I used to change channels frequently the cam(***** 230) used to be idle
each time I had to restart the cam again and again
I have tried many images but the problem persists
box used to drop cline or cam just got crashed
each time has to restart again and again
don't know exactly the problem is it

any guide or help must be appreciated
i have some kind of problem with same box v1 black hole 2.1.7
whenever I used to change channels frequently the cam(***** 230) used to be idle
each time I had to restart the cam again and again
I have tried many images but the problem persists
box used to drop cline or cam just got crashed
each time has to restart again and again
don't know exactly the problem is it

any guide or help must be appreciated
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