Using Image 2.1.7 as Multiboot. XBMC?


Vu+ User
Hello every one
This Question is Just To make sure before to install:
I have VU+Solo SE with Open Multiboot: Open black Hole (flash) and two others images (boot/ using USB stick(2 partitions))
I wish to insert Black Hole 2.1.7 imagen into my boot Usb stick to play and test..
What about the XBMC??..
I have the XBMC (.XBMC) of Open black Hole imagen into My other partition Of my USB stick..
1) Can I use XBMC of Flash Imagen (Open Black hole) and XBMC of Black Hole 2.1.7 imagen without problems with my receiver? (obvious not at the same time)
2)The XBMC of the black hole 2.1.7 shall be redirected to avoid full flash ? Make sense to me that the answer is no due is already into USB stick but again Just to make sure
Hello every one
This Question is Just To make sure before to install:
I have VU+Solo SE with Open Multiboot: Open black Hole (flash) and two others images (boot/ using USB stick(2 partitions))
I wish to insert Black Hole 2.1.7 imagen into my boot Usb stick to play and test..
What about the XBMC??..
I have the XBMC (.XBMC) of Open black Hole imagen into My other partition Of my USB stick..
1) Can I use XBMC of Flash Imagen (Open Black hole) and XBMC of Black Hole 2.1.7 imagen without problems with my receiver? (obvious not at the same time)
2)The XBMC of the black hole 2.1.7 shall be redirected to avoid full flash ? Make sense to me that the answer is no due is already into USB stick but again Just to make sure

1) XBMC Launcher --> it will look for /.xbmc directory existent on your /media/hdd root directory. The answer is yes.
2) You don´t have to do nothing ... /.xbmc already exists on /media/hdd device.

Note: The only thing you must know is ... the plugins you use on OBH are not for you avaiable when you boot BH image ( you must install these plugins too ).

One example:

You have installed MEDIAPLAYER2 and SUBSUPPORT on Open Blackhole, you must install it too on BlackHole 2.1.7. as mentioned on the guide for it ( that you know where you can found it ).

best regards

best regards
1) XBMC Launcher --> it will look for /.xbmc directory existent on your /media/hdd root directory. The answer is yes.
2) You don´t have to do nothing ... /.xbmc already exists on /media/hdd device.
Ok Thanks nunigaia..So, this means that My Current XBMC (open black hole imagen /flash) will run through Black hole Imagen 2.1.7 ?....Is exactly the same!!....So My Add ons and Repos are Kept and I dont Need to install anything into XBMC (black hole imagen 2.1.7)..right?

*One reason that I wish to do this is to see if my XBMC (gotham) is improved through the Black hole 2.1.7 Imagen..
I am still have a lot Freeze on Live channels with XBMC (gotham) using Open black Hole Imagen..I have tested another Imagen (boot) and used the same repo/addon/Channel (using TS Media) and I dont have freeze so the difference is the Media and the Imagen.. I have read that regular Black hole Imagen's were improved to run fast IPTV..So I am looking if see improvements
Ok Thanks nunigaia..So, this means that My Current XBMC (open black hole imagen /flash) will run through Black hole Imagen 2.1.7 ?....Is exactly the same!!....So My Add ons and Repos are Kept and I dont Need to install anything into XBMC (black hole imagen 2.1.7)..right?

*One reason that I wish to do this is to see if my XBMC (gotham) is improved through the Black hole 2.1.7 Imagen..
I am still have a lot Freeze on Live channels with XBMC (gotham) using Open black Hole Imagen..I have tested another Imagen (boot) and used the same repo/addon/Channel (using TS Media) and I dont have freeze so the difference is the Media and the Imagen.. I have read that regular Black hole Imagen's were improved to run fast IPTV..So I am looking if see improvements

1) - Yes

2) - The addons and repos from XBMC are allocated on /media/hdd/.xbmc folder ... so they are present for all images using xbmc gotham 13.2 ( for enigma2 ).

best regards
One Question regarding the same Topic..I dont know If "VTI" images are related with Open Black Hole imagens..
If I wish to "test" VTI imagen as Boot into My Multiboot set up (the same thing like OBH 2.17).. apply the same answer?
So I dont need to do anything and Due My XBMC (from my Open Black Hole) is present and Keep all my Repos and addons
Pd: sorry If My question is related other Team
One Question regarding the same Topic..I dont know If "VTI" images are related with Open Black Hole imagens..
If I wish to "test" VTI imagen as Boot into My Multiboot set up (the same thing like OBH 2.17).. apply the same answer?
So I dont need to do anything and Due My XBMC (from my Open Black Hole) is present and Keep all my Repos and addons
Pd: sorry If My question is related other Team

No ... VTI images are not related with Open Blackhole images ...
If you want test on your STB ... If you have Open Blackhole, use Open Multiboot option.

best regards