A little Gift from the BH Team this Christmas


We have a small Christmas present for our users. We have been working to get live tv working on XBMC, this isn't a release ready feature just yet, but it is ready as a preview.


If you would like to test this feature, you need to have the latest Black Hole 3.0.1 (and have done all the online updates) then in telnet enter the following commands:
opkg update
opkg install xbmc-pvr-vuplus
Then restart E2.

Next launch XBMC, go to settings, enable pvr, enable vuplus addon and then configure it by setting zap before tune.
If you have set a password in OpenWebif remember to set it in the addon as well.

Current Known issues:
- Livetv takes time to enable after XBMC is started due to downloading channels from the backend and sync with XBMC
- XBMC settings may be lost if your box crashes
- It is not yet possible to switch channels when watching livetv (you must exit the channel and go back to channel list).

It is not perfect, as we said it's just a preview for the moment, we hope to fix the bugs soon, but for now it is not a priority so please just be patient and when we have the bugs fixed it will be included in the release images.

Obviously this little Christmas present is only for the XBMC enabled boxes (SoloSE, Solo2, Duo2 and Solo4K).

Merry Christmas from the Black Hole Team.​
small Christmas present???


manny thank's great team, hope this is only the beginning of great future features :)

merry christmas
thank you blackhole team i dont normally use kodi/xbme but t i thought i would give this ago, but i cannot find this enable vuplus addon and then configure it by setting zap before tune. can some1 please direct me to it, i am getting some freezing and lagging i have been through the setting or have i missed something thank you.
great work guys..... getting there... do we ever know if they will port across a more up to date kodi such as isengard or possibly Jarvis when it comes out of beta stages? looking good though... thanks to all those involved... and happy new year guys
Sorry im not too up on Telnet, could you show an Example or Screenshot as to how these codes look in Telnet.
Use your favourite programme to telnet to your box then just type the lines as in post no1.
You need to know your box IP address and password if you have one set (most boxes don't - just username=root and blank password).