Black Hole 3.0.2 Vu+ Duo2 Kodi

Hi! Thanks for the new firwmare! It is amazing.

However, after first boot Kodi updates and then it is on window mode in the top left corner of the screen, not full screen. What can I do to make it full screen again?
Thank you Team, which are the main difference with OpBh0.4. Has this new image implemented the patch for AAC audio?

"Cache HE-AAC pid in lamedb"
"Cache AAC pid in lamedb"

Hi! Thanks for the new firwmare! It is amazing.

However, after first boot Kodi updates and then it is on window mode in the top left corner of the screen, not full screen. What can I do to make it full screen again?

Same problem here...
good staff this not this good, kodi not work well, not with you for addons the repository does not leave, the image of kodi screen is small, this not this good is full of bugs, the image openblackholle 04 this better than this

Bad imagem kodi
As now seems that this problem of Kodi in the left window is also on SoloSe, is there anyone who has no problem with Kodi on full screen so we could know if it's a bug or not.
Thank you Team, which are the main difference with OpBh0.4. Has this new image implemented the patch for AAC audio?

"Cache HE-AAC pid in lamedb"
"Cache AAC pid in lamedb"


Sorry i didnt read

Cache ddp/aac/he-aac pid in lamedb

thank you again