VU+ DUO original image & *****

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi folks,

Next week my VU+ Duo will be here. In my Topfield I´m using a Cam and card for the Dutch programmes I receive.
In the VU I´d like to use cc cam. Is this possible or do I need a different image like VTI or Open PLi?.
I read somewhere that cc cam is already in the original image, is this true and when yes, how do I get it working?

Greetz, Togan.
Hi folks,

Next week my VU+ Duo will be here. In my Topfield I´m using a Cam and card for the Dutch programmes I receive.
In the VU I´d like to use cc cam. Is this possible or do I need a different image like VTI or Open PLi?.
I read somewhere that cc cam is already in the original image, is this true and when yes, how do I get it working?

Greetz, Togan.

If you have a CAM and the corresponding card that's no problem with Vu+Duo who have 2 CI slots.
Into original Vu+ images CS is not present in any form and this board is the wrong place to ask about it.

Into this board is FORBIDDEN to talk about CS and other illegal stuff.

This thread will be closed and I inve you to read again board rules.

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