Black Hole 3.0.2 Vu+ Duo2 Kodi

I now seem to have a problem with this image. I have a VU+DUO2 with two tuners set to auto choice, but when I record anything it works until I try to change channel then it just shows a green screen and reboots. I do not know how this came about, I have tried everything I can to no avail. Any pointers?
Thank a lot blackhole team for this beautiful image.
I would like to inform about a bug I exactly what described by a previous post.
When I record from one channel and I select another channel I got a green screen and the image crash and reboot.
I tried to re install the image and a problem is steel there.

Sorry for my poor english
Thank a lot blackhole team for this beautiful image.
I would like to inform about a bug I exactly what described by a previous post.
When I record from one channel and I select another channel I got a green screen and the image crash and reboot.
I tried to re install the image and a problem is steel there.

Sorry for my poor english
Post crashlog please.
I can't get Transcoding to work, no 2nd icon appears in the webif. 3.0.2B

the android app for vu+ player still says 'Connection failed' even after the latest update.

Any ideas?
Have you setted up your box correctly? How many tuners do you have? How is composed your dish/LNB?
Have you read my post ?
Thanks for your reply.
My vuduo2 has a twin DVBS tunner and I added a DVBC tunner to the box.
I have a motorised dish.
My configuration works perfectly with openblackhole o,4 and also with Blackhole 3.01.
I have the crash problem only with Blackhole 3.02 ans I see that I am not alone with this problem.
My post is only to help Blackhole team to improve the last version

Regards and sorry for my english
I hoped that this problem that we have that when we record and change channel we have green screen on v3.0.2B will be sorted with the next update online. I was mistaken as when I did the online update to v3.0.2C this problem is still there. Now I hope that it will be sorted with the next update v3.0.2.D