Problems mounting ext USB drive

same issue for me with 2.17 and a WD hard disk connected with usb adapter.
With a Maxtor things works fine.
Nobody have a solution for this?
same issue for me with 2.17 and a WD hard disk connected with usb adapter.
Maxtor is the first device you have mounted? and after you mounted it on universe?

mount it in before you jump in another universe
This is the solution guys, make all changes on flash, then go to universe!
I don't kno why(or maybe yes, but this isn't the place to talk about linux specs.), but system considers only changes made in Flash.
no, I have never mounted it on universe, i'm just trying as media/usb in flash with my image.
I've a pen drive mounted as media/hdd
Sometimes I connect a maxtor hd, and that work and mount correct at restart.
Other times I use the wd disk, also with just the pen drive connected or also without, but the wd won't mount after restart.
I also tried to modify the bootmisch file as sayed in other thread but no luck.

For now I connect the wd disk after the start of the receiver, It detect the files inside of it and mount it in a provvisorial folder ( with automount I think), from this folder I can access file with dream explorer or mediaplayer. That's enought for me
If you have no reason not to try a VTI image it mounts to media/hdd every time on reboot regardless of hdd model.
The same problem here.
I press twice blue, Device manager, I can see the HDD, red for Mountpoints, right to change to /media/hdd, red for Save and then System needs restart and after the restart nothing happens.
The same problem here.
I press twice blue, Device manager, I can see the HDD, red for Mountpoints, right to change to /media/hdd, red for Save and then System needs restart and after the restart nothing happens.
Ok, now it works. It seems that update sorted it out.
If not, try to mount to usb. It's the same, only access is different /media/usb
Good evening,

I am new I ask you to tell me the path to find the file bootmisch: on DCC FTP and then thank you for the reply?
i have same problem with devices menager, i set mount to media/hdd but cant mount in this path, if make other folder for mount hdd will be mounted but timeshift is not possible? I think hdd must be mount in media/hdd and timeshift will be ok. If will be choose CIFS network HDD replace all working fine...