Nobody has mentioned UHD transcodingAnd the chipset specs mention 4 times 1080i60 transcoding, not UHD transcoding.
Nobody has mentioned UHD transcodingAnd the chipset specs mention 4 times 1080i60 transcoding, not UHD transcoding.
I think to UHD you will be mast have crazy upload, you look whot number GB have 10 minute video ?And the chipset specs mention 4 times 1080i60 transcoding, not UHD transcoding.
I have been waiting for so long for this upgrade. Looking forward to grab the new 4k Ultimo when it is available. Thanks Vu+ Team.Announced this morning at Anga 2016
Vu+ Ultimo 4K and Vu+ Uno 4K
I just came to know from my resources that VU+ is discontinuing solo se v2 and its faulty hardware which is still in large quantity with manufacturer is going to be modified and will be now called VU+ UNO 4Kwhich will consist of poor hardware with heavy price around 450 euros
Only Ultimo 4k will be based on fresh and new hardware
I just came to know from my resources that VU+ is discontinuing solo se v2 and its faulty hardware which is still in large quantity with manufacturer is going to be modified and will be now called VU+ UNO 4Kwhich will consist of poor hardware with heavy price around 450 euros
Only Ultimo 4k will be based on fresh and new hardware
That's funny as the Ultimo 4K and Uno 4K use that same NEW tuners. Which means every word you posted above is complete and utter rubbish.
I suggest you stop spamming the board with unfounded rubbish before you get yourself banned from here.
First of all your logic of tuners is very poor approximately all vu+ models tuner are changeable
Secondly there are many similarities between se and uno 4k like both of them comes without front display
Lastly we threat someone when we don't have any valuable justifications and this is what you already done with my other thread where you have no answers
So it's better if you come with logics and stop threatening users and learn to respect freedom of expression
And I challenge you i am standing on my words and can prove my claim once I have hands on vu+ uno 4k that's it's modified version of solo se V2
Firstly go and look at the pictures of the tuners for the Ultimo 4K and Uno4K, then look at your solose tuner, they are totally different.
The reason is, the Ultimo 4K and Uno 4K use pluggable FBC tuners, the solose does not.
Secondly, what are these many similarities you mention ? Both have no front panel display (that is only 1 similarity), both the solo1 and zero have no front panel display either.
As for the rest of what you wrote, I don't need to argue with you, it is pretty obvious that the SoloSE is nothing like the Uno 4K, for starters the SoloSE is 1.3ghz mips cpu and Uno 4K is 1.7ghz arm with more memory and usb 3.0, and as stated a completely different tuner (even the connector that goes into the board is different).
As for making threats, I don't do such things, I promise if you keep on spamming this board, because you are not happy with the performance of your SoloSE, then you will be banned.
I don't own only se , I have all vuplus models because it's my business and I care for my customers and not my personal rejoice
And hold your horses, let me have hands on uno 4k and I am going to make another video like lies on the board previously to justify my claim
I it's your forum you can ban me but may I know the reason??? You are saying I am spamming the board , can you please tell me my one single post where I posted something wrong.
Your posts about how bad the SoloSE is, and your post on this thread, about SoloSE v2 being "faulty hardware".
You have an opinion about it and that is fine (everyone is entitled to one), but you don't need to constantly post about how bad it it as if it is a "fact" that they are all "faulty".
Now you are trying to suggest that the Uno 4K will also be "faulty hardware", and suggesting it is just a rebranded SoloSE, when it is pretty obvious to anyone that bothers to look at the pictures and spec of the 2 boxes, that the only thing they have in common (apart from the lack of a front panel display), is the company that makes them.
@abid hussain
I've been following some of your writing here in the forum.
You know, feel free to write here, but when you write something which is untrue and based on
untruths then it is completely different.
This is called spreading lies and insinuations.
If you have something against VU + talk to them
but any post that is based on attacking and not truths
will be recognized and labeled as spamming the forum.
For this is no place here .
Be warned
Now about new Uno 4K
I did not know that soloSE have FBC Tuners
and one of the latest processors.
Decoders and demodulators for UHD .
Can we watch UHD TV with him ?
Ups they are the same because they do not have display.
So if you have a shop you say.
You should have at least a little technical knowledge.
its not my opinion how bad is vu+ se and have posted everything with evidence and as far as keep on posting the issue is concerned i am posting because issue is still unresolved and whats the problem with you if i keep on posting until vu+ official listen to my voice
are you getting paid by vu+ team ??? or you should take side of the member who is facing the issue
it shows your intentions
and as far as uno 4k is concerned i shared what i have from authentic resources and already told u it will be cleared once we hands on it
do own vu+ that you are so much concerned about this claim
are you getting paid by vu+ team ???