the aid can not install Image


Vu+ Newbie

I just got my solo is seen v2

I try to install a blackhole image as indicated on the tutorial (USB key, and in solo vusolo file folder) to try with 2 different key formatted fat 32

not to flash my box,

on the box in the file ABOUT

Version 2015-04-22 vuplus _experimental factory

Image: Experimental 2016-03-23

version of frontprocessor: 0

thank you all for your assistance


I just got my solo is seen v2

I try to install a blackhole image as indicated on the tutorial (USB key, and in solo vusolo file folder) to try with 2 different key formatted fat 32

not to flash my box,

on the box in the file ABOUT

Version 2015-04-22 vuplus _experimental factory

Image: Experimental 2016-03-23

version of frontprocessor: 0

thank you all for your assistance


You have to unpack the "ziped image file" into a folder in your PC.

You have to copy the "vuplus" folder and subfolders and files to the the root of your USB pen drive.

You are talking that you have Vu Solo2 ( Pay attention and don´t mix images ( firmwares ) because the models are not the same, and you may brick your STB ), although you are posting in SoloSe section.

Note: I don´t know what STB model you have ... be careffull.

best regards

I just got my solo is seen v2

I try to install a blackhole image as indicated on the tutorial (USB key, and in solo vusolo file folder) to try with 2 different key formatted fat 32

not to flash my box,

on the box in the file ABOUT

Version 2015-04-22 vuplus _experimental factory

Image: Experimental 2016-03-23

version of frontprocessor: 0

thank you all for your assistance

Hi Jane

This is a long shot as your post was a year ago but I have the same problem.

Just wondering whether or not you managed to resolve it and if so how?

Can you please tell us which VU+ receiver you have?
Are you sure you're downloading the correct version, of Blackhole, or Open Blackhole.

I notice one problem, concerning janonimes post, he mentions owning a VU+ Solo SE v2, but he seems to have downloaded the image for the VU+ Solo, not the Solo SE, as inside the vuplus folder you will find a sub folder, he mentions solo, whereas the sub folder, for the Solo SE v2, is titled solose.
Hi I have a new Solo SE V2 for cable and have been trying all weekend to add Vix as the image

I have tried various versions
on numerous USBs
each with the correct procedure... power down add USB with files added to the root folder power up

Never a single change to the LED on the front and obviously to the image within.

The box info shows 'image: Experimental 2016-03-23 and
'Version: 2015-04-22-vuplus_experimental_factory

Any advice would be appreciated
Try loading Open Blackhole:

Download it, unzip it, and then transfer the vuplus folder, to your PC desktop.
Format your USB stick to FAT 32, load the vuplus folder, onto your USB stick, then try loading it onto your receiver.

If it fails try a different USB stick, the older, smaller, USB sticks tend to work best, I use a cheap Toshiba 8GB stick.

Power off Vu+ Solo SE with switch on the back.
Insert the USB Pen Drive into the USB socket on the back.
Power on Vu+ Solo SE

The white circular ring on the left side of the front panel will blink a few times then begin pulsing.

The pulsing indicates it's flashing the image.

Once the image has successfully flashed the pulsing will stop and change to blinking on and off.

When the white circular ring is blinking on and off it's now safe to power off with the switch on the back and remove the USB Pen Drive.

Power on again to reboot the receiver, job done.
No, just try different USB sticks.
Please make sure your VU+ receiver is the Solo SE v2.
Have you got anything else, attached to the VU+ reeiver?
You have formatted the USB sticks, to FAT 32, on your PC, and loaded the vuplus folder, onto them?
Are the USB sticks, you've tried, all of the same make?
Thanks Mick... managed to get a smaller (8gb) cruzer and immediately formatted it with the HP tool. Added the recent VIX image for the solo SE and hey presto!!