Black Hole 3.0.2.F Kodi Vu+ SoloSE

i have aproblem that when i am make scanning channel dosent apper at boquet last scanned and i cant go with the arrow on the channel scanned found how can i solve this problem
VU Solo SE V2

Yes, you can.

Simple note: Please next time " write " your doughts in lower case letters ... and normal fonts.


best regards
thank you sir for your reply
my device is not original one its a clone from china
can I do this steps you advised me to install the black hole
thank you sir for your reply
my device is not original one its a clone from china
can I do this steps you advised me to install the black hole

No, sorry. There's no support for clones here.
Buy an original Vuplus STB.

According our board rules, it´s not allowed any kind of discussion regarding "Vuplus clones" STB.

So, i would kindly ask you for read them, because it seems you haven't, in the moment you joined to this community.

Link to rules -->

Note: It seems you have not a SOLO SE V2 but, indeed you bought a SOLO2 SE ( clone stb ).

best regards
No, sorry. There's no support for clones here.
Buy an original Vuplus STB.

According our board rules, it´s not allowed any kind of discussion regarding "Vuplus clones" STB.

So, i would kindly ask you for read them, because it seems you haven't, in the moment you joined to this community.

Note: It seems you have not a SOLO SE V2 but, indeed you bought a SOLO2 SE ( clone stb ).

best regards
Hi, I just read this thread, I have not bought a VU+ Box yet but before I do , I want to make sure its genuine. I hoping to buy a SOLO SE v2 (terrestrial version) is this genuine as I can not find any of these on VU+ websites unless I'am looking in the wrong place?

Is the balckhole image working for this model as I keep on hearing that VIX is the only works on this as the PVR EPG has problems populating?
Hello everyone , I installed the image on my solose . but once it has started , after a few seconds locks , not responding to remote commands . someone can tell me why ? thanks!
Hello everyone , I installed the image on my solose . but once it has started , after a few seconds locks , not responding to remote commands . someone can tell me why ? thanks!

Have you checked your RCU batteries?

best regards
The batteries should be charges because WHEN blocked , crush Any key and I see the red LED What Turns ..
i have a problem with this image's crashed and restart every time i use the my HD smart card Irdeto ...when u used the same with other image it was working well ...also when i use the xcplug it's crashed and restart !!! I HAVE vu+ solose v2.....thanks for help