how to flash Vu+ SOLO SE V2

Which image do you want to flash?
Blackhole 3.0.3, or Open Blackhole 0.6?

Once you've downloaded the image, you wish to flash your VU+ Solo SE, then you format a USB stick, to FAT 32, using your PC, unzip the image, and load the vuplus folder onto the USB stick.
You then power off your VU+ Solo SE, using the switch, at the rear.
Place the USB stick, in the USB socket, also at the rear, and power on your receiver.
Thank you my Bro
But the operation did not succeed with me the problem is the way in which the device does not know her
Thank you my Bro
But the operation did not succeed with me the problem is the way in which the device does not know her

You have to remove "previously" all your USB devices attached to your STB. ( this includes, usb pen's, usb hdd, usb tuners .... )
You must use too ... an USB PEN 2.0 device not an 3.0.

best regards