Assign Quick Button


Vu+ User
Hi Everyone, I had tried with “Setup Quick Button” and something like “Movies Quick Button” but all didn’t work. Please tell me how to assign the colored button? Thanks very much!
I used to have Setup QuickButton installed but now I prefer have the original behaviour. Anyway, to assign functions to buttons (not only the coloured ones) you have to enter its setup from plugins menu.
If you mean Setup QuickButton, I did use it before and now I had try again and it’s still the same, didn’t work. I had try setting the Red button to Timer, in default it actually display Timer at Red button but can’t work. Please advice!
If you mean Setup QuickButton, I did use it before and now I had try again and it’s still the same, didn’t work. I had try setting the Red button to Timer, in default it actually display Timer at Red button but can’t work. Please advice!

Yes, If I remember well, this was something that didn't work, probably because the SHORT press of red is managed for HBBTV functions. When I had Quickbutton, I chose Long press for Timers.
Hi Alexwilmac, very sorry I had miss your message!

Yes you are right, only can use the long press and can’t use the red button. But this is funny, nothing happen when I press the red button, even after setting back the red button to “nothing”, wonder why?
The red button can't be used, it seems. I don't remember if it was due to the HBBTV function or not (as I now don't use Quickbutton any longer) but the other k_e_y_s can be set up.
As a curiosity: why do you need quickbutton? Maybe there are alternative ways of getting where you want to get ;)
Yes, the red button can’t be used. I would like a single button select for Timer, Epg Graphical and Plugin, as I often use them.
When I used Q.B. I assigned Long red to timer and long yellow to Graph Multi EPG. But I didn't know that BH already shows the Graph MultiEPG if you long press the EPG k.e.y. ;)
And I used the "Menu sort plugin to put in first position Timers, so that just pressing Menu/OK I have access to timers. Other Plugins, like EMC, have in their setup the chance to be assigned to a specific k_e_y. That's why I uninstalled Q.B. preferring the original functioning of coloured k.e.y.s.
Yes agreed, it is in Long Epg button but a little inconvenient as I needed to select again for Graph Epg, meaning I needed to depress 2 times and another time to select before I could bring out the plugin.

Bright idea you have to make use of Menu Sort to quickly deliver a plugin of your choice. Good advice, I am going to Copycat you, hehehe!

Thanks very much for all the precious recommendation.

Best Regards