Black Hole 3.0.3.H Kodi Vu+ SoloSE

Hi, i have isue with playing some video files with ac3 codec - sound not playing after some time. Any ideas?

I've installed this yesterday, but can't acess Vu+ solo se v2 by dreamset or openwebif.

what's the password for user root?

Is there anyway to update channel list without using dreamset? (by usb or something)

Thanks for you help

I've installed this yesterday, but can't acess Vu+ solo se v2 by dreamset or openwebif.

what's the password for user root?

Is there anyway to update channel list without using dreamset? (by usb or something)

Thanks for you help
1} Is no password in user root.
2} You setup good IP etc in dreamset ?
3} Seeting you find in feed push grean next yellow
1} Is no password in user root.
2} You setup good IP etc in dreamset ?
3} Seeting you find in feed push grean next yellow

Hi, thanks for your help

I've tried and changed passwd in putty but now I get this error:

"closing server/connection failed/OOPS:priv_sock..." (this on winscp)

How can I RESET the user/password??

3} Seeting you find in feed push grean next yellow (sorry I don't understand this!!)


thanks for you help
If you are using newer dreamboxedit and you do not have in the box settings
Type ver 4
You may have an error.
New dreamboxedit can work only with settings Type ver 4

If OpenWebinterfece is not enabled
You may have an error

Firewall can cause error
If you are using newer dreamboxedit and you do not have in the box settings
Type ver 4
You may have an error.
New dreamboxedit can work only with settings Type ver 4

If OpenWebinterfece is not enabled
You may have an error

Firewall can cause error

Find the problem, AVG firewall wasn't letting me conect to vu+.

That Sucks...

thanks for you help!!!
after update online to 3.0.3P can't acess box.

2problems arise:

1.what is the password for user root??
2.transcoding still not workin on vu solo se v2.
