conax card on vu+ duo


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone

I'm new in this great forum

I have a query regarding Conax Cards
Pack MBC HD broadcast on Nile Sat 7 W on the quality of HD
The encryption system used is the system Conax

How do I install the card on the receiver VU+ Duo and where do I install the card in the slot upper or lower ?

Are there any specific settings or is it working once the installation ?

I do not ask for cards sharing or any emu
My question for the operation of the card on the receiver as I know that the devices VU+ DUO supports the operation of encryption system Conax

thanks everyone
Hi everyone

I'm new in this great forum

I have a query regarding Conax Cards
Pack MBC HD broadcast on Nile Sat 7 W on the quality of HD
The encryption system used is the system Conax

How do I install the card on the receiver VU+ Duo and where do I install the card in the slot upper or lower ?

Are there any specific settings or is it working once the installation ?

I do not ask for cards sharing or any emu
My question for the operation of the card on the receiver as I know that the devices VU+ DUO supports the operation of encryption system Conax

thanks everyone
Please read the Rules,, no talks about cards or emu,,etc!
I apologize for the unintented mistake
I mentioned I am new to this forum
And I did not carefully read the Forum Rules

4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.
Are also not permitted any religious and political
discussions that emphasize the superiority of any race, ethnicity, nationality and religion.
Are also not allowed discussions that are not related to the main theme of the forum.

Please close this topic
I repeat my apologies
Thanks for all
Hi everyone

I'm new in this great forum

I have a query regarding Conax Cards
Pack MBC HD broadcast on Nile Sat 7 W on the quality of HD
The encryption system used is the system Conax

How do I install the card on the receiver VU+ Duo and where do I install the card in the slot upper or lower ?

Are there any specific settings or is it working once the installation ?

I do not ask for cards sharing or any emu
My question for the operation of the card on the receiver as I know that the devices VU+ DUO supports the operation of encryption system Conax

thanks everyone

On Vu+ Images is included the support of Conax cards natively: put your card into one of the avaiable card readers and watch TV.
I don't have a Conax card to make test directly :(