Is my Duo2 dead?


Vu+ Newbie
Tried flashing various versions of BH, using different usbs (all formatted to ms-dos (fat32). My box is stuck on “booting”. I can’t access using ftp (it can’t find the box). Is there a way to ‘hard reset’ the box? Or should I just chuck it out?

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Remove all other usb-sticks/equipment, before flashing.
Press the button (over the usb-stick) when you see "Update" on the display.
If you never see "Update" on the display .. then use another usb-stick (old usb2 1,2,4 or 8 GB should work)

Best Regards
Thanks so much for your advice! i flashed the bootloader as advised. When the update finished it said "remove usb" "delete CFE" "Reboot". i took the usb out, turned it off and back on again and it still says booting gui.... blue screen. no change??
After re-flashing the bootloader try loading a new image, using the same USB stick, afer freshly formatting it to FAT 32.
If that fails try the rear USB ports, and hold in the front power button, until the receiver reads the USB.
Nope. Just tried flashing the last two versions of BH it updates, programming, reading USB then UBI5 Update. Then stops. Tried both front and back USB with 2 diff sticks. Think it’s time to admit defeat

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Google search "putty serial connection". You have many sources of information on how to set up the serial connection using that search.

As for the bad sector in flash, That information if true will be displayed in the serial log.
The rs232 output is trash. It should be plain text instead of this:

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What settings in putty are you using? The baud rate should be set to 115200. It looks like you may have the baud rate set at 9600 which is default.