Youtube tv BlackHole-3.0.4-vuduo2 Network error!!!

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi, ladies and gentlemen.

My YouTube tv has for the past couple of days been giving me "Network Error" sign when I try to play a YouTube video. It started all of a sudden. I hadn't done an update or anything at all. When I click on YouTube, the splash screen comes on alright, then it loads all the pre-videos. I can see all the video images, but when I click on any of them it proceeds to load but then I get "Network Error". There is nothing wrong with my network; I can still access the vu+ duo2 from my pc, I can download plugins/addons and play videos on IP/tv.
I have done Factory reset, done a reflash several times. All to no avail.
Please, please help.
Hi, ladies and gentlemen.

My YouTube tv has for the past couple of days been giving me "Network Error" sign when I try to play a YouTube video. It started all of a sudden. I hadn't done an update or anything at all. When I click on YouTube, the splash screen comes on alright, then it loads all the pre-videos. I can see all the video images, but when I click on any of them it proceeds to load but then I get "Network Error". There is nothing wrong with my network; I can still access the vu+ duo2 from my pc, I can download plugins/addons and play videos on IP/tv.
I have done Factory reset, done a reflash several times. All to no avail.
Please, please help.

It was answered severall times, we need to wait that Vuplus make a fix ( only them can do it ).

best regards
When they will fix the this issue ? I sent them an email, just one month ago , and until now , any answer...and I have spent almost 400€ for vu+duo2...!!! Is it right ? They don't have respect for costumers that give them a load of money..., now It's time to change, and the competitors don't mis !!!
I am getting the same error, despite being on the latest BH version (from mid August 2018). YT has been unusable for months...

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