Black Hole 3.0.6 Vu+ Duo2

Having problems installing this image on Duo2. Every time I install a plugin I have to switch off/on Duo2 as it sticks on Starting Gui. After it starts again, the plugin is properly installed. This started from the first plugin after installing the Image File.

I confirm and resign from BH 3.0.6
There is no online update for what version? If you are talking about BH 3.0.5 you'll never have because, as always going from 305 to 306 is not an update but it is an UPGRADE, a change of version. You have to reflash by 306, then.
There is no online update for what version? If you are talking about BH 3.0.5 you'll never have because, as always going from 305 to 306 is not an update but it is an UPGRADE, a change of version. You have to reflash by 306, then.

The mentioned problems mostly are for 3.0.6 and waiting for 3.0.6 update