HW Error


Vu+ Newbie
Hello! I need help, a few days ago I tried to upgrade packages on my box! While rebooting the box has made some updates but it stoped at this point "HW Error" . After 1o min of waiting the box has rebooted successfully but anytime that I reboot the box the same error appears and I need to wait 10 min... What can I do???



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Disconnect all connected
(HDD, LNB, USB,network)
And try a new flash.
If does not go, then the box is HW defective.
Before the error appears there is FPGA update ->checking ->ereasing ->writing -> verifying -> MW Error. If there is no possibility to stop that ''script'' I will do a reflash with an older version...
I don't recommend such a heavy image for your old box. Use 4.1 that's very good or try obh 4.2, that's now also for your model. But I'd leave the BH. Surely don't install it in flash: only in omb, in case with a light image like obh in flash.
Unfortunately my opinion is still the same,is that it's a clone box.OR orginal with HW defect.
We do not support Clone here.
It was working under OBH 4.1 and now I've try to install the BH 3.0.8 but the same problem @ booting! No, it is an official Vu+ Solo2!!!

OBH 4.1

Is the image downloaded from this forum?
Did you flash OBH 4.1 personally in the box ,before HW Error (when it was working) ?
Or the box came with the OBH 4.1 image (with modified old drivers) installed when you bought it ?
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Unfortunately my opinion is still the same,is that it's a clone box.OR orginal with HW defect.
We do not support Clone here.

OBH 4.1

Is the image downloaded from this forum?
Did you flash OBH 4.1 personally in the box ,before HW Error (when it was working) ?
Or the box came with the OBH 4.1 image (with modified old drivers) installed when you bought it ?
I bought my box a few years ago on Amazon.de, it is for sure official and it worked fine all over the years from BH 2.1.7 until BH 3.0.7, and I've always flashed the box myself with images from this forum. The last weeks I tried OBH and I had some freezes during the watching so I decided to check if there was any update to do and that's what I have done... after that update the reboot wasn't successfully... that's it!

Like I said before, after 10 min the box restart itself and works fine, so I don't think that something is defekt... I think that there is maybe a script or something like this, that has to be removed...
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Or, flashing and reflashing, the flash got damaged, because it's got a finite number of r/w cycles...
A flash memory can't last indefinitely.
If the original solo 2 have some hardware defects.
As the message says HW error.
Referring to the forums, some boxes have a corrupted memory chip, motherboard failure, another defect rectifier or a defect adapter
what's wrong is impossible to know without HW testing , and measurements.
Of course you can try another adapter if you have it.
That means?? What can I do?
If the HW failure is due to the flash, you can't do anything (it is usually solded on the motherboard).
If it's something else, you need a technician.
But, before all, try and flash another image: you'll never know. For instance, an old BH, like 2.1.7, or OBH 1.0.
I suspect it's the flash, a part of it never used so far and now that you tried to install the big 307, it failed to write some of its cells.
But it's just a theory.
If the HW failure is due to the flash, you can't do anything (it is usually solded on the motherboard).
If it's something else, you need a technician.
But, before all, try and flash another image: you'll never know. For instance, an old BH, like 2.1.7, or OBH 1.0.
I suspect it's the flash, a part of it never used so far and now that you tried to install the big 307, it failed to write some of its cells.
But it's just a theory.
OK, thank you for your feedback! I'll try to flash an older image and remove the HDD! I will give you guys an update after that!
OK guys! I tried to flash the box with 2.1.7 but it didn't help! After researching on youtube, I found an advice to flash it with 2.0.9... The box boots normally now but I have no audio?! I tried to update to but still no audio :-( After that I tried to flash it again with a newer version 3.0.1, audio is there but HW error again lol
So I seems to help flashing the box with 2.0.9 but without audio there is no fun... so guys, is there a solution to get the audio back ??
What OLDEST image had you before all this started? Have you ever done a FPGA upgrade?
With old box it was needed before installing newer images.
What OLDEST image had you before all this started? Have you ever done a FPGA upgrade?
With old box it was needed before installing newer images.
Hi! It was working under OBH 4.1 when this started... but I bought the box 2013 so I guess the oldest Image that I've flashed was the BH 2.0.1 and it worked fine until 3.0.7. I decided to test OBH 4.1 on Openmultiboot and all this started after I've done some packages updates. FPGA upgrade? I don't know, how can I do that?
You can flash OBH 4.2 with no problem in to your VuSolo2
and for update you do that with green button then yellow and
then chose online update of image from menu addons panel.

If you still get hw error then start investigate your HDD and USB if mounted
If still problem i can promise that you have a clone, all clones works
with older images of OBH but latest OBH 4.2 and BH 3.0.8
have this clone safe hw drivers that crash the stb if installed
You can flash OBH 4.2 with no problem in to your VuSolo2
and for update you do that with green button then yellow and
then chose online update of image from menu addons panel.

If you still get hw error then start investigate your HDD and USB if mounted
If still problem i can promise that you have a clone, all clones works
with older images of OBH but latest OBH 4.2 and BH 3.0.8
have this clone safe hw drivers that crash the stb if installed
Hello! Thank you for your reply, I tried to install OBH 4.2 already but the error still there! I don't have a clone for sure, like I said it before I've bought the box on amazon.de ant I flashed the box since 2013 myself with BH images from this forum. It worked also with 3.0.8 without prob until I've done the packages update on OBH 4.2 I've research a lot on the web and there are a lot of similar issues with other people with original boxes! Anyway, I've flashed the box with an original Vu+ 2018 image... actually I tried a few versions of 2018, one of them booted without HW error. After that I've flashed the box with BH2.0.9 and it worked also without error but no audio... So I dicided to try BH 2.1.7, a very stable image and now it works again without HW error so far!!! I've also installed another Image on openmultiboot without problem sofar... So that's the way I've found to make it work again but I don't know what happened with the FPGA because when I try to update it says ''Firmware does not exist''... and I can guarentee that my box is an official product!!!!

Best regards,
Well lets see what we are dealing with.

You have BH 2.1.7 in the flash and use OpenMultiBoot (OMB)
In OMB you have installed OpenBlackhole Image 4.2? and done a FPGA update with chrash HW Error?

Since OBH is based on OE Alliance/PLI or VIX maybe the HW Error is because OMB misstake the OBH for an PLI or VIX image
and downloade and installed wrong drivers I have seen in my OMB Menu many strange name where accully
VuPlus OpenEmbedded 3.0 comes up as OpenBlackhole ;)

If you use sftp instead od regular ftp you can acculy se the kernelname used by OMB

Maybe you can get aroud this problem by first try and Flash Pli 7.0 or latest VIX and later reflash with OBH 4.2

And in th future use the update from Addons Panel for updates and stay clear of the software manager (Chrash manager ;) )
Well lets see what we are dealing with.

You have BH 2.1.7 in the flash and use OpenMultiBoot (OMB)
In OMB you have installed OpenBlackhole Image 4.2? and done a FPGA update with chrash HW Error?

Since OBH is based on OE Alliance/PLI or VIX maybe the HW Error is because OMB misstake the OBH for an PLI or VIX image
and downloade and installed wrong drivers I have seen in my OMB Menu many strange name where accully
VuPlus OpenEmbedded 3.0 comes up as OpenBlackhole ;)

If you use sftp instead od regular ftp you can acculy se the kernelname used by OMB

Maybe you can get aroud this problem by first try and Flash Pli 7.0 or latest VIX and later reflash with OBH 4.2

And in th future use the update from Addons Panel for updates and stay clear of the software manager (Chrash manager ;) )
No, the configuration on the box when it happened for the first time was:
- flash-BH 3.0.8 and openmultiboot-OBH 4.2
after the issue I try to flash the box many times with diverse image versions but witout success!!!
So the only good working configuration in my Box until now is:
- flash-BH2.1.7 and on OMB-OBH4.2
I never tried the Pli or VIX images... I made a screenshot from openwebif, there is the box config


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