Hotkey setup


Vu+ Newbie
Hi I have installed latest version of blackhole in my vu+ zero 4k but hotkey setup setting is missing its available in openatv menu is there any way to change remote control buttons?
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Hi I have installed latest version of blackhole in my vu+ zero 4k but hotkey setup setting is missing its available in openatv menu is there any way to change remote control ****?

BlackHole is based on Vuplus code, severall different from OE-A based images, this is why we have also Open BlackHole.

You must refine, what you want to do, with your remote control, in order someone can give ( if possible the right information ).
You might also tell us wich image version are you using on your Zero4k.

you are at risk of ban.
Read the forun rules before posting:

Pay attention:

@viper619 hasn´t talked about any illegal stuff, but just only a question to personalize on BlackHole image the RCU.

best regards
Unfortunately, even if the most correct word for "buttons" is "k_eys", the automatic filters for illegal words doesn't not allow to write it and many, many users simply don't know that. This results into strange situations.
Probably is preferable to remove this specific filter: after all what counts is the context and we are many users who can report illegal messages.
What damage might cause the word "k_ey" if present in our post? Even if it were indexed by S.E., nobody could accuse us of anything if the post is talking (as it usually happens) about buttons to press in order to achieve a result.
And, after all, if the website itself is more "intercepted" just because of user searches of this word, this would be better for us! ;)
nunigaia said:
BlackHole is based on Vuplus code, severall different from OE-A based images, this is why we have also Open BlackHole.

You must refine, what you want to do, with your remote control, in order someone can give ( if possible the right information ).
You might also tell us wich image version are you using on your Zero4k.

Pay attention:

@viper619 hasn´t talked about any illegal stuff, but just only a question to personalize on BlackHole image the RCU.

best regards

I have installed Black Hole 3.0.9.C Multistream
you are at risk of ban.
Read the forun rules before posting:

From yesterday ... and in the future ... it is possible to write the word "keys" or "key" as for example:

Remote control key or keys, RCU Keys or key, keyboard key or keys. But not the word keys that will be linked for "ILLEGAL STUFF" ... as allways ... not allowed on our board.

best regards
Hi there,
i could find this thread but no actual response on it,
i am running BH 3.1.0 on vu+ uno4k,
so normally you can switch the channels up and down by using < or > from the circle shaped big button,
the + and - Channel buttons actually shows bouquet contents, i would like to configure them to switch channels instead of showing bouquet contents
switching with < > buttons works well in most situations except for iptv based lists, in this case it tries to act as rewind buttons so you cant switch these channels,
you need to use either or ^, or + - channel buttons to show bouquet contents then choose the channel which is rather inconvenient,
so reprogramming + - channel buttons to switch channels would be more than a welcome solution.
Anyone know how to get + - channel buttons redefined?
Thanks in advance.
You haven't searched this forum for what you need: there are dozens of similar messages about it.
To use P+/P- keys for zapping instead that for bouquets and channel lists, you need to use a different file keymap.xml.
Use the one attached and zipped and put it in

Before that, I suggest to keep a copy of the original as, for instance, keymap.xml.orig
or something like that.
Remember you have to put again your file in that folder after major updates, because it will be rewritten.
After having transferred this modified keymap, remember to restart the GUI.


Thanks, Alexwilmac,
that did the trick.
i actually modified only 2 lines,
<key id="KEY_CHANNELUP" mapto="openServiceList" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_CHANNELDOWN" mapto="openServiceList" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_CHANNELUP" mapto="zapDown" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_CHANNELDOWN" mapto="zapUp" flags="b" />
It was the same change already done in the file I attached... It has been useful for years to the BH users who don't like the default behaviour of this image about those remote keys.