Vu+ BH Team Only 1 Question i have please ! Thanks a lot !


Vu+ Newbie
Good Morning Dear Vu+ BlackHole Team !!
i have only one question to ask you as i am 60 years old
and i have too many enigma stb's
some of them is Vu+ Ultimo4k Vu+ Duo4k and now Vu+ Uno4kse
I realy like the Vu+ quality of construction since i bought my first Vu+ duo1
i have a lot of brands cheap and more expensive..... stb's
So, my question is:: Why Vu+ ""ÏNSISTS"" so much in Snr in percent ?
Also if i change in other images not in BH(i cant) the frontend.cpp or python file ,,to make calc in db..dosnt mean anything....
I only just want to write me honest and with details answer!!! please
Finaly i want to say that when i pay 350e to 600e ,,i dont want to watch only channels ..i want to see tuner values in db not
only in persent.
Thank you so much BlackHole Team for your Perfect images and i wosh you the better and health with covid!
Values shown by STB are simply useless as absolute values and useful only to compare two channels by the same box and the same image.
So, SNR or DB, you can compare those values among channels as said above, comparatively and not absolutely, but a STB is not and won't never be a professional signal meter.
By OBH you can surely decide if show % or DB; by BH I can't remember. But it's useless anyway.
Values shown by STB are simply useless as absolute values and useful only to compare two channels by the same box and the same image.
So, SNR or DB, you can compare those values among channels as said above, comparatively and not absolutely, but a STB is not and won't never be a professional signal meter.
By OBH you can surely decide if show % or DB; by BH I can't remember. But it's useless anyway.

Yes and the proof of that is that we have different values, using the same equipment, depending on the image used.
I will say one phrase only and not others
Wrong philosophy
With love Lex7791 !!!
I will say one phrase only and not others
Wrong philosophy
With love Lex7791 !!!

hi lex

dB or percent

The basic question here is
how many users know what the measure decibel means ?

Let me answer you

Even many who have a technical work don't know how to tell the difference
between 10 dB and 13 dB signals
the significance of that measurement in dB.

And now about the quality of that measurement
Oh, How happy we would be if that measurement was almost accurate
we wouldn’t have to buy really precision instruments of several thousand Euros.

But OK you like dBs when I find the time I will try to help you with the dB display
Which really means less than percentages to most users.
Even to me even though I know what a decibel is.

You’ve probably learned in the past to measure in dB
and then it is a matter of habit but not of measurement accuracy.
It is important to realize that the decibel is a mathematical tool, whose function is to facilitate the calculation of electronic circuits and systems. In order not to work with very large or very small numbers, the conversion to the logarithmic scale allows a better perception of the values involved.

Note this scale, when the value was 1 to 2, or when it was 10 to 20, the profitability was always 100%.


It seems logical the explanation (I've been researching)...

Now the measurement here at Duo 4K using an app, where the SNR is 100% and the dB is 17%:

100%=17db or 18 or 18.4 max or anything else because of frontend.cpp or python calculation.................................this is happen with Vu+ stb's
the manufacturer VU+ doesn't provide DVB API 5.10 where dB controlled directly from drivers.
But, all the same, as Matrix also said, a STB is not a thousands euros professional signal meter, otherwise the technicians wouldn't buy such an equipment an they will bring with them a little Vu Zero.
its a mater of feeling-soul-mood the db values ..i am not talking about absoloutely real values
come on..........
anyway as i saiid to my 1st post i have a lot of stbs and a lot of vu's
i love vu's
before years vu killed dreambox and vu became the king
i hope vu+ will change philosophy
How many dare I say useless words
for me user watching a tv channel what changes me to know that the signal has those characteristics?
the discriminant is:
it shows
or not seen
all the rest are useless philosophies that only a good technician and with important tools can correctly evaluate.
All the data that any box and any image have the same technical value as the internet connection performance evaluation tests that the various apps give ... zero reliability.

It's not clear to me now
If that's a question that bothers you a lot
You can have decibels in OSD in the Open Black Hole image
instead of a percentage.
If you change in Setup >> User Interface >> Settings >> Swap SNR% with SNR in db
Yes, I said that in OBH is possible. Is about BH I don't remember and I can't test if the same option is available.
Basically is true that what matters is: can I or can't watch a channel? but it is also true that many times I needed to compare two situations and, in those cases, values were important and useful.
For instance, once I found out that a cable was bad and I could prove it by using the same channel (and, of course, the same image installed) to find out that changing a cable made the difference.
So, when you need relative measurements, not absolute, also a STB can help.
ok alexwilmac
perfectly agree with you,
it is almost the same logic with which I used the sat finder, a device with a negligible cost, to set up my antenna-motor system:
it allowed me to see, by turning the motor on the pole millimetrically, how the signal varied
but that's not what he asked for @lex7791
At BH I can't find the option ...

One question: do the values in dB also apply to terrestrial emissions? Digital frequencies in UHF ...
Yes Rodrigues ....also in terestrial shows in db(((when the patch is done from frontend.cpp(linux work) and not in easy python file . py / pyo decompile
even in vu+ with db frontend.cpp fix calc not real of cource..
We need drivers from Vu+ ........also in blindscan for dvb s2x tuners
Also in Zero4k with frontend.cpp fix which is dificault or python fix not in Bh but all others images db fake calc
also i need if Matrix agree a fix python or anything show db in bh 3.0.9 for example
In pm
Tkh a lot!!
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Here at Duo 4K, the MTISF tuner, which is receiving terrestrial, does not present in dB, whereas the DVB-S2X FBC tuner does.