Vu+ BH Team Only 1 Question i have please ! Thanks a lot !

fot vti for example easy python fix is .......... /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/ or pyo
elif self.type == self.SNR:
percent = self.source.snr
elif self.type == self.SNRdB:
if self.source.snr_db is not None:
return '%3.02f dB' % (self.source.snr_db / 100.0)
if self.source.snr is not None:
return "%3.1f dB" % (((self.source.snr / (65536.0 / 100.0)) * 0.1800) - 1.0000)
in pli 7.3 sdgr 8 and vix or OBH they have done it in frontend.cpp //// better way but dificault
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frontend.cpp needs linux knowlege
is something like that..............
else if (!strcmp(m_description, "DVB-S2 NIM(45208 FBC)")
|| !strcmp(m_description, "DVB-S2 NIM(45308 FBC)")
|| !strcmp(m_description, "DVB-S2X NIM(45308X FBC)")
ret = (int)((((double(snr) / (65535.0 / 100.0)) * 0.1950) - 1.0000) * 100);

All thease not in BH images :(
Yes Rodrigues ....also in terestrial shows in db(((when the patch is done from frontend.cpp(linux work) and not in easy python file . py / pyo decompile
even in vu+ with db frontend.cpp fix calc not real of cource..
We need drivers from Vu+ ........also in blindscan for dvb s2x tuners
Also in Zero4k with frontend.cpp fix which is dificault or python fix not in Bh but all others images db fake calc
also i need if Matrix agree a fix python or anything show db in bh 3.0.9 for example
In pm
Tkh a lot!!

Abt SNR dB fix

I really do not know ,because I am not an image coder.
I do almost exclusively skins and image testing.
I'm not sure the BH coder wants to change the VU + base coding.
In principle, these things should be fixed by VU + maybe you can send them,which they might include in the update.
You know there are a lot of things that could be changed but then we would go beyond the VU + coding base.
That's why we created the Open Black Hole image.
But if you make a fix I can ask the coder if he wants it to change.
Dear p.rodrigues a question for you ... my friend
which is the signal name app in your photo and in what type of os --phone--android or iphone ?
i have only android...