Remote control, turning on other devices!


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, friends! I have 4k VU+ Zero, and on the previous version of the firmware, he himself learned how to turn my TV on and off! Press once - the tuner and TV are turned on! Once every three months my tuner freezes and I decided to update it, just new versions of the program came out. I updated, everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to train my remote to turn on the TV! Help if you know!
RCU can turn off the TV in two ways: be programmed for such, which means that the new firmware version has no influence.

Another way will be HDMI-CEC as long as the TV allows/be compatible. What is the firmware installed on Zero 4k?
RCU can turn off the TV in two ways: be programmed for such, which means that the new firmware version has no influence.

Another way will be HDMI-CEC as long as the TV allows/be compatible. What is the firmware installed on Zero 4k?
It is now installed black hole 3.1.0. and before that there was a previous version.
Thanks for the tip! Happened! I turned on HDMI-CEC on my TV, chose automatic mode, then, according to your advice, I configured commands for connecting HDMI1 in plugins, and this is my TV, saved it and it worked! All good!