VuPlus Image ipkg, opkg, su "Unknown command"


Vu+ Newbie

My VUPlus Uno 4k SE has arrived yesterday and I have been tinkering with it since.

One thing I have noticed with the official VuPlus Image is that dpkg, opkg, ipkg and almost any command in the /bin folder does not work. Because of this, I cannot install any plugin from an FTP connection. I can also see in the command line an "$" instead of an "#".

For example:

/bin$ su
500 Unknown command.

Any help?

EDIT: I am using vuplus-image-vuuno4kse-20210428153943_usb, the currently most recent version of VuPlus Image.

EDIT 2: cd doesn't work either, for the same reason as su.
FTP is a file transfer protocol, supports only limited commands, related only to FTP connection. If you are familiar with Linux try login from terminal using telnet <IP address> command, (use this only on local network because of security reasons, from remote connections use SSH) then you can run any supported command. Note, not all commands are supported, what you can see in /bin folder most of them are dummy files only for compatibility reasons. (for example lspci works, but lshw no). And su is not required, if you login as root.
FTP is a file transfer protocol, supports only limited commands, related only to FTP connection. If you are familiar with Linux try login from terminal using telnet <IP address> command, (use this only on local network because of security reasons, from remote connections use SSH) then you can run any supported command.
I will make sure to try that. Good to know!

Will report back once I do.
I think almost no one uses the Vuplus image: actually, there is absolutely no reason to use such a limited image. I suggest you to give our BH or OBH a try.